Buckwheat Diet: Advantages, Disadvantages, Recipes and Bans

SUBMITTED BY: cheetah22

DATE: May 31, 2017, 1:52 a.m.

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  1. Buckwheat Diet: Advantages, Disadvantages, Recipes and Bans
  2. The buckwheat diet will not only ensure the loss of excess kilograms but also safely affect the body. After all, this cereal is rich in fiber, which effectively removes toxins and excess water from the body. Therefore buckwheat diet is often attributed not only to methods for weight loss but also to detox diets.
  3. Features And Principles Of Buckwheat Diet
  4. The buckwheat diet is based, as it is not hard to guess, on buckwheat for weight loss, rich in nutrients - it contains vitamins B and P, which take part in the metabolism and assimilation of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, phosphorus, iodine. For this and not only buckwheat diet is considered useful and most balanced. Most often this technique is used as a mono-diet, helping to lose excess pounds and clear the body of toxins and so-called "food debris".
  5. We must be prepared for the fact that weight reduction will not begin immediately since buckwheat is rich in carbohydrates. How quickly the pounds will start to go, if you stick to this diet, depends on the initial weight. The more it is, the more noticeable is the loss in kilos in the first days of the diet. Buckwheat week can provide a loss of up to 10 kilograms during the week.
  6. There are several advantages of buckwheat diet - thanks to the richness of vitamins and trace elements, your hair, nails, and skin will not suffer during the diet. Also, the amount of buckwheat eaten per day with a mono-diet is unlimited. So, theoretically, there are all chances to avoid the appearance of hunger. The main prohibitions and assumptions are as follows:
  7. • Be sure to drink plenty of water;
  8. • When there is severe hunger or if constipation occurs an hour before bedtime, you can drink 1 cup of low-fat yogurt;
  9. • Buckwheat is best not to cook, but steamed without the addition of salt, spices, milk, butter and sauces;
  10. • In addition to water, you can drink unsweetened green tea.
  11. If you feel unwell, headaches, or lethargy, then you can cook and drink the next broth - 200 g of water mixed with 1 tbsp. Honey, which will ensure the entry of glucose into the body, but will not slow the process of losing weight.
  12. Drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid per day. The approximate scheme of nutrition during the day can look like this:
  13. • In the morning: a decoction of water and honey and two slices of lemon;
  14. • After 30 minutes: a serving of porridge from buckwheat, unsweetened tea;
  15. • In the afternoon: a portion of buckwheat cereal, not sweet tea, water;
  16. • 5 hours before bedtime: a serving of buckwheat porridge, unsweetened tea, water.
  17. Recipes: How To Cook Buckwheat?
  18. According to the buckwheat diet, grains should be insisted in hot water, and not boiled, so all useful substances are preserved. To do this in the evening 200g of cereals and pour 0.5L of hot boiling water, leave overnight, in the morning the dish is ready. If the croup did not absorb all of the water, then drain the residues. According to the buckwheat diet there is such a mess you need without salt, sugar, spices and sauces. This is a classic version of the buckwheat diet, but there are also milder options:
  19. • Buckwheat porridge plus yogurt - for a day you eat 200g of buckwheat and you can
  20. drink yogurt, not more than half a liter, eat buckwheat in the main meals, and drink kefir between them and an hour before sleeping;
  21. • Buckwheat porridge with the addition of dried fruits. On the day allowed to eat 200-300g of buckwheat, pre-infused to the consistency of cereal with 150g of dried fruits. This porridge should be divided evenly into all meals. And again, do not eat 5 hours before bedtime.
  22. How To Go Out After A Buckwheat Diet
  23. When the buckwheat diet has come to an end, you need to return to the usual diet smoothly. Add new products should be gradually, in the first week, it is desirable to eat low-fat foods rich in protein and cook meals for a couple or in the oven. Fried, salted and spicy dishes are unacceptable in the first week after leaving the buckwheat diet, because during it the body lacked salt, and add it to the food you need little by little, gradually increasing to the usual level of salting. Just do not need to lean on flour products and sweets, let's say only dark chocolate in small quantities.
  24. Make your diet for the next two weeks after the buckwheat diet of dietary dishes rich in protein, add a little carbohydrates, in the form of vegetables, cereals, low-fat dairy products and cheeses are also allowed. At the end of the second week, you can add to the diet some fatty foods and more carbohydrates. But if you do not want the weight to return, then the diet should be radically revised and made healthier. In the future, monitor the caloric content of your diet so as not to gain all the weight dropped.
  25. No mayonnaise in the period of withdrawal from the diet or fatty sour cream, also limit the use of alcohol. Of the dressing, only olive oil is allowed, exclude sauces, ketchups. Doctors, dieticians advise after the buckwheat diet radically changes the attitude to what you ate before.
  26. Basic Contraindications
  27. Since the buckwheat diet completely excludes sugar and salt, there may be headaches or blood pressure changes. A lack of glucose leads to a decrease in the brain's ability to work. Therefore, you may feel unwell, notice that you have become distracted and inattentive. Buckwheat method of weight loss is absolutely contraindicated to people with such diseases as diabetes, stomach or bowel ulcers, and hypertension. It is also not suitable for women during lactation. Before you go on a buckwheat diet, it's best to consult a doctor.

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