The Stage History of Romeo and Juliet

SUBMITTED BY: mecityboy

DATE: Oct. 23, 2017, 2:34 a.m.

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  1. I have now, in the period of December of the year 1870, achieved the most loved and bemoaned Juliet of the English stage - Lilian Adelaide Neilson, who made her presentation in London, first as Juliet, at the Royalty Theater, July, 1865, and again at Drury Lane, on Monday, December nineteenth, 1870. Miss Neilson showed up as Juliet, and it was then commented that the youthful and rising performing artist had resolved to influence Juliet her to claim, and the acclaim of a swarmed house demonstrated the veracity of her prosperity. This was thereafter affirmed when, in the period of September, 1872, she gave a progression of goodbye exhibitions at the Queen's Theater, Long Acre, before her flight for America. In these were incorporated "Romeo and Juliet," in which she played Juliet, and on which event it was stated: "Juliet is Miss Neilson's magnum opus;" and once more, after her demise, it has been said that, dissimilar to a large portion of out Juliets, Miss Neilson could influence this the rOle with which her memory to will be mainly related. We can no more hear her guarantee, as she so regularly did in the expressions of Juliet: "Stay yet a bit, I will return again." No; this may never more be heard. Adored and regretted, peace be to her memory, for she is very still.
  2. I have now gone to the previous year of 1880, and to the keep going Juliet on my rundown - Madame Helena Modjeska - who showed up as Juliet at the Alexandra Theater, Liverpool, September, 1880, with Mr. Wilson Barrett as Romeo, and in 1881 at the Court Theater, with Mr. Forbes Robertson as Romeo, and Mr. Wilson Barrett, the best Mercutio the cutting edge organize has seen; and we are informed that when on Saturday Madame Modjeska acted Shakespeare's sweet courageous woman, Juliet, without precedent for England, the vast performance center was filled to its most extreme degree by a mass of individuals, who commended fervently toward the finish of each demonstration of "Romeo and Juliet," and gave their acclaim in all its power at the finish of the disaster; and we are presently satisfied to see that Madame Modjeska is to rehash her pantomime of Juliet at the Court Theater, with Mr. Wilson Barrett as Mercutio.
  3. Such a great amount for our gathering of Juliets; and I am compelled to shout, as the window ornament drops over me and my Juliets at various times, in the separating expressions of the considerable essayist of the disaster:
  4. For never was an account of more trouble
  5. Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

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