script vip

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DATE: Oct. 25, 2017, 8:53 a.m.

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  1. multiplier = 3
  2. bethigh = true
  3. bchance = 49.50 -- 2x chance
  4. chance = bchance
  5. tchance = 90.00
  6. tmultiplier = 11 -- Need to fix ths so it calculates from balance
  7. hilo = bethigh -- Control for bethigh
  8. flip = false -- Switch to turn on flipping series for bethigh
  9. runCnt = 0 -- Counter for number of rolls before stop()
  10. runMax = 10000 -- Limit for counter for stop
  11. switch = 0 -- randomly changed number used to cause flip to be true
  12. tbase = 0.00000050 -- 1.1x base bet
  13. base = 0.00000001 -- 2x base bet
  14. nextbet = base
  15. maxroll = 1 -- The number of roll that can happen based on the balance at the time of roll
  16. aRoll = 50 -- Records previous roll
  17. pRoll = 0 -- Records previous previous roll
  18. -- tcnt2 = 0 -- Counter used to start a hilo reverse / Replaced with runCnt
  19. tlim = 100 -- Limit for counter
  20. tcntlo = 0 -- Count of rolls below mid
  21. tcnthi = 0 -- Count of rolls above mid
  22. mTwoh = 50.49 -- bethigh middle of 50/50
  23. mTwol = 49.50 -- !bethigh middle of 50/50
  24. roll = 0 -- Counter for series of rolls above or below mid
  25. hlim = 90.00 -- Upper limit of 1.1x bet
  26. llim = 9.99 -- Lower limit of 1.1x bet
  27. lten1 = false
  28. hten1 = false
  29. pbet = 0 -- Stores sumation of previous bets during loosing streak
  30. tbet = 0 -- 1.1x bet required to recover 2x loosing streak
  31. tbal = 0
  32. tdiv1 = 1 --2380 -- 183 -- Divisor of balance to calc 1.1x bet that will at least break even from a loosing 2x streak
  33. tdiv2 = 14 --183 -- Divisor of balance to calc 1.1x bet after win 2x bet
  34. tdiv3 = 183
  35. tdiv4 = 2380
  36. tdiv5 = 30941
  37. tdiv = 0 -- Divisor of balance for 1.1x bets
  38. div = 0
  39. rand = 0
  40. function dobet()
  41. -- Same switch but extended to 6 draws on 1.1x
  42. -- Use after 300k
  43. if balance > 0.00300000 then
  44. div = math.random(0,10000)
  45. if ((div > 123) and (div < 128)) then
  46. tdiv = tdiv1
  47. else
  48. if div < 100 then
  49. tdiv = tdiv2
  50. else
  51. if div < 1000 then
  52. tdiv = tdiv3
  53. else
  54. if div < 7500 then
  55. tdiv = tdiv4
  56. else
  57. tdiv = tdiv5
  58. end
  59. end
  60. end
  61. end
  62. else
  63. -- random switch for 1.1x base bet divisor
  64. -- For use with balance < 300k
  65. div = math.random(0,1000)
  66. if div < 2 then
  67. tdiv = tdiv1
  68. else
  69. if div < 10 then
  70. tdiv = tdiv2
  71. else
  72. if div < 200 then
  73. tdiv = tdiv3
  74. else
  75. tdiv = tdiv4
  76. end
  77. end
  78. end
  79. end
  80. -- End switch
  81. pRoll = aRoll
  82. -- Process stop
  83. runCnt = runCnt + 1
  84. if (runCnt > runMax) then
  85. print("Process Complete!")
  86. stop()
  87. end
  88. -- End Process stop
  89. -- Random switch for bethigh = true, false or true/false
  90. if math.random(0,1) == 1 then
  91. if math.fmod(runCnt, 2) == 0 then
  92. switch = math.random(0,3)
  93. end
  94. if switch == 1 then
  95. flip = true
  96. else
  97. flip = false
  98. end
  99. end
  100. -- print(switch)
  101. -- End flip switch
  102. -- Funtion to set maxroll
  103. -- Based on balance and multiplier.
  104. m = multiplier
  105. b = base
  106. if ((balance > (b * m^0)) and (balance < (b * m^1))) then
  107. maxroll = 1
  108. else
  109. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1))) and (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2)))) then
  110. maxroll = 2
  111. else
  112. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2))) and (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3)))) then
  113. maxroll = 3
  114. else
  115. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3))) and
  116. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4)))) then
  117. maxroll = 4
  118. else
  119. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4))) and
  120. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5)))) then
  121. maxroll = 5
  122. else
  123. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5))) and
  124. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6)))) then
  125. maxroll = 6
  126. else
  127. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6))) and
  128. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7)))) then
  129. maxroll = 7
  130. else
  131. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7))) and
  132. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8)))) then
  133. maxroll = 8
  134. else
  135. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8))) and
  136. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9)))) then
  137. maxroll = 9
  138. else
  139. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9))) and
  140. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10)))) then
  141. maxroll = 10
  142. else
  143. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10))) and
  144. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11)))) then
  145. maxroll = 11
  146. else
  147. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11))) and
  148. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12)))) then
  149. maxroll = 12
  150. else
  151. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12))) and
  152. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12) + (b * m^13)))) then
  153. maxroll = 13
  154. else
  155. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12) + (b * m^13))) and
  156. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12) + (b * m^13) + (b * m^14)))) then
  157. maxroll = 14
  158. else
  159. if ((balance > (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12) + (b * m^13) + (b * m^14))) and
  160. (balance < (b + (b * m^1) + (b * m^2) + (b * m^3) + (b * m^4) + (b * m^5) + (b * m^6) + (b * m^7) + (b * m^8) + (b * m^9) + (b * m^10) + (b * m^11) + (b * m^12) + (b * m^13) + (b * m^14) + (b * m^15)))) then
  161. maxroll = 15
  162. else
  163. maxroll = 16
  164. end
  165. end
  166. end
  167. end
  168. end
  169. end
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end
  174. end
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  179. -- End set maxroll
  180. aRoll = lastBet.Roll
  181. -- Switches hilo based on a count of rolls above and below 50
  182. if aRoll > 50.00 then
  183. tcnthi = tcnthi + 1
  184. else
  185. tcntlo = tcntlo + 1
  186. end
  187. if math.fmod(runCnt, 50) == 0 then -- Tied runCnt in as counter and removed tcnt2 as is duplicate
  188. if tcnthi > tcntlo then
  189. hilo = true
  190. else
  191. hilo = false
  192. end
  193. end
  194. if math.fmod(runCnt, 500) == 0 then
  195. if tcnthi > tcntlo then
  196. tmp = tcnthi - tcntlo
  197. tcnthi = 0
  198. tcntlo = 0
  199. tcnthi = tmp / 2
  200. else
  201. tmp = tcntlo - tcnthi
  202. tcnthi = 0
  203. tcntlo = 0
  204. tcntlo = tmp / 2
  205. end
  206. end
  207. -- End switch
  208. -- Attempts to reverse bethigh when roll on one side of midpoint for max bet number of times.
  209. -- If max losses for balance is 10 bets then if 10 wins happens bethigh is reversed.
  210. if hilo then
  211. if ((aRoll > mTwoh) and (pRoll > mTwoh)) then
  212. roll = roll + 1
  213. else
  214. roll = 1
  215. end
  216. else
  217. if ((aRoll < mTwol) and (pRoll < mTwol)) then
  218. roll = roll + 1
  219. else
  220. roll = 1
  221. end
  222. end
  223. if (roll > maxroll) then
  224. if hilo then
  225. hilo = false
  226. else
  227. hilo = true
  228. end
  229. end
  230. -- End Reverse
  231. if aRoll < llim then
  232. lten1 = true
  233. hten1 = false
  234. else
  235. if aRoll > hlim then
  236. lten1 = false
  237. hten1 = true
  238. else
  239. lten1 = false
  240. hten1 = false
  241. end
  242. end
  243. -- Begin bet calcs
  244. if win then
  245. pbet = 0
  246. tbet = 0
  247. tbal = 0
  248. if ((balance / tdiv) > 0.0000001) then
  249. tbet = balance / tdiv
  250. else
  251. tbet = 0.0000001
  252. end
  253. if lten1 then
  254. --print("Bet lten1")
  255. bethigh = true
  256. nextbet = tbet
  257. chance = tchance
  258. else
  259. if hten1 then
  260. --print("Bet hten1")
  261. bethigh = false
  262. nextbet = tbet
  263. chance = tchance
  264. else
  265. if flip then
  266. if bethigh then
  267. bethigh = false
  268. nextbet = base
  269. chance = bchance
  270. else
  271. bethigh = true
  272. nextbet = base
  273. chance = bchance
  274. end
  275. else
  276. bethigh = hilo
  277. chance = bchance
  278. nextbet = base
  279. end
  280. end
  281. end
  282. else
  283. --print("loss")
  284. if chance == tchance then
  285. pbet = 0
  286. nextbet = previousbet * tmultiplier
  287. else
  288. if chance == bchance then
  289. pbet = pbet + previousbet
  290. tbet = pbet * 10
  291. if ((balance / tdiv) > 0.0000001) then
  292. tbal = balance / tdiv
  293. else
  294. tbal = 0.0000001
  295. end
  296. if (tbet < tbal) then -- Attempts to keep 1.1x from running once 2x bet is too high to quit
  297. if lten1 then
  298. --print("Bet lten1")
  299. nextbet = tbal
  300. bethigh = true
  301. chance = tchance
  302. else
  303. if hten1 then
  304. --print("Bet hten1")
  305. nextbet = tbal
  306. bethigh = false
  307. chance = tchance
  308. else
  309. nextbet = previousbet * multiplier
  310. chance = bchance
  311. if flip then
  312. if bethigh then
  313. bethigh = false
  314. else
  315. bethigh = true
  316. end
  317. else
  318. nextbet = previousbet * multiplier
  319. bethigh = hilo
  320. chance = bchance
  321. end
  322. end
  323. end
  324. else
  325. nextbet = previousbet * multiplier
  326. chance = bchance
  327. if flip then
  328. if bethigh then
  329. bethigh = false
  330. else
  331. bethigh = true
  332. end
  333. else
  334. nextbet = previousbet * multiplier
  335. bethigh = hilo
  336. chance = bchance
  337. end
  338. end
  339. end
  340. end
  341. end
  342. -- End bet calcs
  343. end -- End dobet

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