Life Sentence for Brownies Batch


DATE: June 21, 2014, 5:05 a.m.

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HITS: 852

  1. I recently came across this email in my Gmail account:
  2. Jacob Lavoro is a teenager facing life in prison for baking marijuana brownies in Round Rock, Texas. He's a young man who has never been in trouble with the law before, and has always been a great kid who we love very much. I started the petition because I live in the same city as Jacob Lavoro and I felt a responsibility to help stand up for him. Our county has a history of excessively punishing minor crimes or even innocent people to "send a message" that has little do with justice or the best interests of the community.
  3. This post goes on to ask for support at for this young man. I believe that this is not something that you should get life in jail for. Yes..certain drugs used can be very wrong and dangerous. It seems as though this kid may have been experimenting some. With the present day push to legitimize certain drugs we are no longer a nation or nations of past unshakable beliefs but one of progressive progress. What is the communities' thoughts on this post. Are you in favor of this heavy penalty or opposed to it?
  4. If Interested support them at or join my discussion at to talk about it:

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