Get On First Page of Google Easy


DATE: May 31, 2014, 4:26 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 104111

  1. Here is my method
  2. 1. I write a unique article of 400-500 keywords
  3. 2. I post that article in my website blog section
  4. 3. I make another 100 spun article (80% unique) through The Best Spinner software.
  5. 4. I submit all 100 spun articles in 100 article sites.
  6. 5. 95% all 100 articles get approved from all those article websites within 2-3 days.
  7. 6. Then i take all article backlinks.
  8. 7. Then i write another unique article
  9. 8. Then i post that article in my website blog section.
  10. 9. Then i create another 100 spun article (80% unique) through The Best Spinner software.
  11. 10. Then i post all 100 articles in 100 web 2.0 properties.
  12. 11. In web 2.0 properties i make 2 backlinks, one is to my main website and another to each article.
  13. 12. Then i post all web 2.0 website link in 100 different account.
  14. 13. Then i bookmark all 100 web 2.0 properties from 100 different digg account, delicious account, reddit account & clipmark account.
  15. 14. Just wait another 2 days, i can see huge serp increase for respective keyword.
  16. 15. I repeat the whole process for 4 times and now my website is in rank 8 for that keyword.
  17. Keyword Details:
  18. 98,600,000 search results
  19. Global Monthly keyword search [broad]: 6600
  20. Global Monthly keyword search [exact]: 2400
  21. When i started this campaign my website is not in top 1000.

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