visions were all false. I told them that it was

SUBMITTED BY: acostamento

DATE: Sept. 18, 2017, 1:20 a.m.

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HITS: 12278

  1. y Repeated
  2. In the work in which my husband and I were called by the providence of God to
  3. act a part, even from its very beginning in 1843 and 1844, we have had the Lord to
  4. devise and plan for us, and He has worked out His plans through His living agents.
  5. False paths have been so often pointed out to us, and the true and safe paths so
  6. clearly defined in all the enterprises connected with the work given us to do, that I
  7. can say of a truth I am not ignorant of Satan’s devices, nor of the ways and works
  8. of God. We have had to tax every power of mind, relying upon wisdom from God
  9. to guide us in our investigations, as we have had to review the different theories
  10. brought to our attention, weighing their merits and defects in the light shining from
  11. the Word of God and the things God has revealed to me through His Word and
  12. the testimonies, in order that we might not be deceived nor deceive others. We
  13. surrendered our will and way to God, and most earnestly supplicated His aid; and
  14. we never sought in vain. Many years of painful experience in connection with the
  15. work of God have made me acquainted with all kinds of false movements. Many
  16. times I have been sent to different places with the message, “I have a work for
  17. you to do in that place; I will be with you.” When the occasion came, the Lord
  18. gave me a message for those who were having false dreams and visions, and in
  19. the strength of Christ I bore my testimony at the Lord’s bidding. The most terrible
  20. denunciations were hurled against me, which they said were from the Lord, because
  21. I was opposing His work. They said that terrible calamities would come upon me,
  22. just as your Anna has prophesied; but I passed along perfectly conscious of the
  23. guardianship of heavenly angels.
  24. During the past forty-five years, I have had to meet persons claiming to have
  25. from God messages of reproof to others. This phase of religious fanaticism has
  26. sprung up again and again since 1844. Satan has worked in many
  27. 75
  28. ways to establish error. Some things spoken in these visions came to pass; but
  29. many things—in regard to the time of Christ’s coming, the end of probation, and
  30. the events to take place—proved utterly false, as your prophesyings and Anna’s
  31. have done. Yet they would try to excuse the blunders by twisting the statements
  32. about, and giving them another meaning, and go on in the same way, deceiving and
  33. being deceived.
  34. When I was first wrought upon by the Spirit of the Lord, I was shown that I
  35. would be brought in contact with those who claimed to see visions, but that the
  36. Lord would not permit me to be deceived. My work was to unveil this falsehood,
  37. and to rebuke it in the name of the Lord. As the end drew near, I was to see more
  38. of these manifestations.
  39. “I Have Not Sent Them”
  40. Letters have come to me from different ones, relating visions that they said
  41. God had given them; but the Lord Jesus tells me, “Believe them not; I have not sent
  42. them.” Some write to me, saying that God has revealed to them that Sister White
  43. is in error, that she is influenced by the leaders to believe some things that are not
  44. true, and to reject some things that are true. But the word comes again, “Heed them
  45. not; I have not spoken by them, nor given them any word or message. They have
  46. spun lying words, from the suggestions of Satan.”
  47. Some have come to me claiming to be Christ, and have apparently worked
  48. miracles. They have said that the Lord led me in many things, but the Sabbath was
  49. not a test question; that the law of God was not binding upon men; all we had to do
  50. was to accept Christ, and they themselves were Christ. I have had experience with
  51. all these pretentious claims, and I have no faith in them. “To the law and to the
  52. testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in
  53. them” (Isaiah 8:20).
  54. In one place, four in one family professed to have communications from the
  55. Lord, reproving wrong, and they
  56. 76
  57. predicted things that actually did take place. This inspired confidence in them.
  58. But the things that did not take place were kept in the dark, or were treated as
  59. something mysterious, which would be understood later. Whence did these receive
  60. their inspiration?—From satanic agencies, which are many. The Lord laid it upon
  61. me to meet these things, and bear a decided testimony against them
  62. I have seen several fall in vision; but when I rebuked the spirit which controlled
  63. them, they immediately came out of vision, and were in great distress of mind.
  64. Cheap, Common, Earthly Matters
  65. Such experiences as these came to be very common. Several in one family were
  66. under this species of deception.... Messages would be given for different members
  67. of the church, telling some poor trembling soul, “You are proud”; another, “You
  68. are unbelieving; you will be lost.” The Lord gave me light in this instance to speak
  69. words of comfort and encouragement. I bore my testimony to those deceived ones,
  70. whether they would hear, or reject it. Their visions were Satan’s work. The things
  71. revealed were often common, earthly matters, such as, who should get breakfast the
  72. next morning, who should prepare the dinner, who should wash the dishes. Mingled
  73. with these frivolous things were sacred truths, which they had found in the Bible
  74. and testimonies. Satan’s hand was in all this, to disgust people, and cause them
  75. to spurn everything in the nature of visions. Thus the false and the true would be
  76. rejected together. And even those who were engaged in the deception, when they
  77. should become weary of it, would be inclined to doubt all visions.
  78. After a very solemn meeting with these deceived ones, confessions were made
  79. that they threw themselves into attitudes resembling Sister White, as nearly as they
  80. could. It was all a farce, a deception. Yet many things they told came to pass as
  81. they predicted.
  83. I was asked how this could be if the visions were all false. I told them that it was
  84. Satan’s purpose to mingle truth with error, that through these deceptive exercises
  85. he
  86. 77
  87. might make of none effect the genuine work of God. From t

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