his purposes by various means, as shall

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DATE: Sept. 18, 2017, 1:20 a.m.

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  1. Chap. 8-Meeting the Claims of False
  2. Prophets
  3. What We May Expect
  4. I have been shown many who will claim to be especially taught of God, and
  5. will attempt to lead others, and from mistaken ideas of duty they will undertake
  6. a work that God has never laid upon them. Confusion will be the result. Let
  7. everyone seek God most earnestly for himself that he may individually understand
  8. His will.—Letter 54, 1893.
  9. There will be those who will claim to have visions. When God gives you clear
  10. evidence that the vision is from Him, you may accept it, but do not accept it on
  11. any other evidence; for people are going to be led more and more astray in foreign
  12. countries and in America.—The Review and Herald, May 25, 1905.
  13. The Visions of a Misled Child
  14. [In communications about, or to, the Mr. Garmire referred to in chapter 7, is
  15. counsel and information which may serve in dealing with those who claim to have
  16. special light.—Compilers.]
  17. I am compelled to state that I have not had the least faith in Mr. [J. M.] Garmire
  18. or his work. The pamphlet that was issued last fall at the time of our Jackson camp
  19. meeting had not the least sanction of our people. They were sent broadcast by
  20. stealing the Review and Herald list.
  21. 72
  22. The daughter of Mr. Garmire claims, or he claims for her, to have visions; but
  23. they bear not the stamp of God. They are of the same character as many such things
  24. we have met in our experience—a delusion of Satan.
  25. I plainly stated at the Jackson camp meeting to these fanatical parties that they
  26. were doing the work of the adversary of souls; they were in darkness. They claimed
  27. to have great light that probation would close in October, 1884.
  28. I there stated in public that the Lord had been pleased to show me that there
  29. would be no definite time in the message given of God since 1844; and that I knew
  30. that this message, which four or five were engaged in advocating with great zeal,
  31. was heresy. The visions of this poor child were not of God. This light came not
  32. from heaven. Time was short; but the end was not yet. A great work was to be
  33. accomplished to prepare a people to be sealed with the seal of the living God.—An
  34. Exposure of Fanaticism and Wickedness (Pamphlet), pp. 9, 10 (1885).
  35. A Message to J. M. Garmire
  36. Satan has arranged things so that you should be ensnared. Fanaticism,
  37. deception, and strong delusion hold you captive. You have talked your ideas in
  38. your family, misinterpreting scripture, wresting the Word of God from its true
  39. interpretation, and have thus led them to believe that the views held and advocated
  40. by our people are not correct. Your interpretations of scripture are not in harmony
  41. with the positions taken by Seventh-day Adventists
  42. The mold you have given to your children’s minds savors of the errors that have
  43. corrupted your own mind. You have educated them to see spots and stains in others,
  44. and to criticize them. By your words and example in thus talking against your
  45. brethren and picking up their faults, you have set in motion a train of circumstances
  46. that, through your own power combined with satanic agencies, has resulted in the
  47. visions of your daughter. All this fault-finding, this accusing of your brethren, is
  48. satanic....
  49. 73
  50. The Divine Credentials
  51. Your expressing so much faith in the testimonies, and making them so
  52. prominent, is no help to me or my work, because you place the false visions of
  53. your daughter on the same level with those the Lord gives to me, and thus lower
  54. the sacredness and exalted character of the work God has given me to do.
  55. The Lord has plainly shown me that what you regard as communications from
  56. God to you and others through your child Anna, are not from Him. They do not
  57. bear the divine credentials. It is another spirit that controls the child. It is the enemy
  58. that works in her. Such manifestations will be more and more common in these last
  59. days. They do not lead to unity, into all truth, but away from the truth.
  60. One decided evidence we have that these exercises are not of God, is that they
  61. concur with your views, which we know to be erroneous. Things she says she sees
  62. in vision are not sustained by the Word of God, but are contrary to it. Satan is
  63. constantly at work to imbue her with his own spirit, that through her, under a cloak
  64. of righteousness, he may bring in commonness, heresies, and defilement. As you
  65. regard her utterances as from God, your faith in the true testimonies is valueless;
  66. and thus Satan hopes to disconnect you, and all who have any confidence in your
  67. ideas, from the agencies that God has ordained, that you may be left to believe a
  68. lie. The Scriptures speak of those who are deceived and are being deceived. This
  69. is your case. You deceive your daughter; she deceives you—the blind leading the
  70. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  71. blind. The enemy seeks to accomplish his purposes by various means, as shall
  72. best meet the circumstances and situation of those whom he sees he can allure by
  73. temptation.
  74. I tell you plainly, the messages of your daughter Anna are not from God. This
  75. the Lord has shown me, and He will not lie. She may say many good things, may
  76. speak much that is truth, but so does the enemy of souls. T

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