Murder for Hire?

SUBMITTED BY: f5r1e5s0h

DATE: April 24, 2016, 7:59 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 442

  1. Debauchery gets people's attentions. Especially the 'murder for hire' gigs that are allegedly being offered. The fact is even Alex Winter, one of the most educated and respected figures discussing the deep web today, has said that there has not been a single darknet hitman service that has actually carried out a 'hit' or assassination for money. The demonizing of this sector of the internet is only good for the news channels, tabloid websites, and anyone who can make money off of exploiting such a ridiculous notion. As I've said in a previous rant, the internet records everything. Even Bitcoin transactions are recorded on what's called the 'blockchain' it's much, much, much more difficult to trace everything back and they offer services that even 'clean' your bitcoins. however, if such a heinous service were to have occurred you can bet your sweet ass that we'd be hearing about it for far longer than we have about the services just being offered. Fact is, these 'services' are cashing in on people who would NEVER admit to paying for such a service therefore being exploited solely for a profit by the people running the 'murder for hire' operations. It's just not happening. Those ballsy enough to pay for someone to be murdered, would simply be out thousands of dollars and still being annoyed, bossed around, or fucked with by the person they wish were dead. Debauchery sells and gets attention. Bottom line. Even now as I'm typing this rant you're probably reading on because it's about debauchery. It's about the illicit, the illegal, and the immoral. Do some research, watch some Alex Winter videos on YouTube and actually gain some knowledge on the subject. You've got to understand before you demonize.

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