Unlimited Xbox Live!!

SUBMITTED BY: ProffesorFaux

DATE: April 3, 2020, 6:41 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 460

  2. Hi there! If you are reading this ebook then you must have purchased it from
  3. DATADYNE93. Let me express my gratitude by saying thanks for buying☺ With this method you can get UNLIMITED Xbox live codes! EASILY!
  4. So let’s get started, shall we?
  5. First you need.
  6. 1. An Email
  7. 2. An XBL Account
  8. 3. A Card on the account - GET ONE HERE 4. Active 12 months on the account.
  9. First- Put a card on a XBL account with some active time, doesn't matter whats left just that it be 12 months or what you want to clone.
  10. Next- Call Microsoft asking about removing your CC info from the account.
  11. Use their site to figure out what number to call them at. CLICK HERE FOR MS SITE
  12. They will tell you they will turn your account to silver
  13. and send you the last time you bought. MEANING - If you bought 12 months and called 7 months in they will still send you a 12 month code
  14. Next- Use this code on your account.
  15. Next- Reply to the email with something like "I tried to use this code and it said it was used on another machine and it wasn't by me. Can I please get some help I really wanna play the live time I paid for."
  16. Furthernmore- Wait for there reply which will be like this - Service Request number:XXX Please accept the following compensation for the previous prepaid token.XXXXX 12 Mo Live Gold (CSR)
  17. Finally- Repeat the last couple of steps every couple of months or on different accounts. ONLY REPLY TO THE FIRST CODE THEY SENT !!!!

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