PC Viruses


DATE: May 27, 2016, 7:17 a.m.

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  1. `'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'
  3. `'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'`'.'
  4. written by: paranoidxe
  5. date: 04/22/04
  6. email: paranoidtsi@hotmail.com
  7. +----------------------+
  8. | DEFINITIONS... |
  9. +----------------------+
  10. Virus: a virus is a program that replicates itself and "injects" its code
  11. into other programs on your computer without the user's knowledge
  12. or permission. For a human example, when a human virus enters the
  13. body it attaches to a cell, it then injects its DNA coding into
  14. the cell and tells it to make copies...essentially the same concept,
  15. the computer virus attaches to a program. as defined in this guide
  16. a virus replicates on purpose NOT as a side effect.
  17. Trojan: a program that is advertised as having a legit function, but when
  18. the user launches it it either has alternative motives or it runs
  19. fine but does something in the background. The important difference
  20. between a trojan and a virus is that a trojan is a program that
  21. DOES NOT infect other files or spread like a virus.
  22. Worm: the third virus-like program, a worm spreads usually through security
  23. holes, it does NOT require user intervention and does not infect files
  24. on a computer. A worms primary function is to spread and under normal
  25. circumstances it causes overload on network systems causing them to
  26. crash. A worm will dissappear if the computer is turned off. The
  27. general prevention measure is to patch the security flaw the worm
  28. uses.
  29. Bug: a bug is a unintentional flaw in software products. The reason this is
  30. mentioned is because bugs usually cause a computer to act funky on the
  31. user, and just because this happens does not mean its a virus.
  32. Droppers: usually a shell of a virus, this is a program that has a virus
  33. encrypted into it to avoid detection. Once a dropper is launched
  34. the virus is decrypted and launched on the targeted machine.
  36. AV - antivirus: either refering to a program that combats and eliminates
  37. viruses, or a company that produces antivirus products.
  38. MBR - master boot record: this is the program that tells you hard drive
  39. how to work and how to understand to retrieve/
  40. write data.
  41. file system: if MBR is the program to give direction (like a ref in a
  42. football game) then the file system is the field. file system
  43. is what organizes data on a drive.
  44. false positive: this is when a antivirus program reports a file as being
  45. infected when its really not.
  46. false negative: this is when a antivirus program reports the file uninfected,
  47. yet really it is.
  48. +-------------------------+
  50. +-------------------------+
  51. Viruses can use various technologies to infect the targeted machine, these
  52. are some of the common methods used:
  53. Boot Sector/MBR Infector: These viruses pray on the boot program that is on
  54. every single hard drive/floppy drive. The boot
  55. program essentially tells the size of the disk and
  56. tells the disk how to read the data...viruses have
  57. found a way to get here which insures that the
  58. virus is launched at every boot.
  59. Polymorphic: Polymorphic is a method used by virus writers to avoid detection,
  60. the way it works is normally a virus will infect a file with the
  61. same size and code..polymorphism will actually change the codes
  62. appearance as well as size. This makes detection more difficult
  63. and antivirus companies must rely on the patterns instead of
  64. code signatures.
  65. Stealth: This technology makes it so when reporting file sizes the virus
  66. reports the uninfected file size...this essentially means the virus
  67. makes the file appear unaltered.
  68. Encryption: A method that seems to be getting more and more complex, encryption
  69. makes it so antivirus companies cannot decypher the viruses code,
  70. this makes it harder for antivirus companies to understand the virus
  71. and provide fixes if the virus damages anything.
  72. TSR - terminate/stay resident: this is a virus that enters memory and stays
  73. in memory generally infecting any program written
  74. or read. This is a part of almost every virus now.
  75. Macro virus: a 1995 invention, a macro virus thrives off microsoft word, it
  76. infects the global setting file on word and every document after
  77. the initial infection is launched it too becomes infected.
  78. File Infector: this is the most common type of virus, it infects programs as
  79. they are launched but does NOT infect boot sectors. This is
  80. the most basic of viruses.
  81. multi-partite: these are viruses that use both file infection and boot sector
  82. infection. This is what most viruses will use now that are
  83. non-macro viruses.
  84. +-------------------------+
  86. +-------------------------+
  87. As stated in the definitions, a trojan is a program that appears to have a
  88. desireable function..but instead it has a hidden agenda.
  89. It is important to understand that trojans do NOT infect other files. They
  90. also may function as advertised with the malicious code taking effect in
  91. the background.
  92. Trojans can also load at every boot, however not in the same manner. Trojans
  93. rely on your operating system to load themselves everytime, unlike viruses
  94. which can get into the boot record, trojans generally cannot.
  95. Trojans often have various malicious functions such as:
  96. * Steal passwords
  97. * Format Hard Drives
  98. * Random Reboots
  99. * Used as a server program for another user
  100. A special type of trojan known as a "backdoor" trojan opens a port on your
  101. internet connection that allows the remote user to use his program and
  102. connect to your computer and do various functions. This could be just to
  103. annoy you, other times it could be used to take your data. Backdoor trojans
  104. are generally able to do the following:
  105. * rename/delete/edit files
  106. * upload/download files
  107. * open/close cdrom drive
  108. * run floppy drive
  109. * reboot computer
  110. * send messages
  111. Backdoor trojans can have there uses as a remote adminstrative tool, but this
  112. is rarely the case.
  113. +-------------------------+
  115. +-------------------------+
  116. There are many reasons people want their viruses out there. The more common
  117. ones include:
  118. a) Revenge, the virus was ment to infect one computer but instead it ends up
  119. infecting more than just one. It was designed to get revenge on someone
  120. that apparently pissed the author off.
  121. b) Accidental, sometimes a virus is released accidently..the virus was just
  122. something to do in their spare time and was never meant to get released.
  123. c) Make a Statement, sometimes viruses are out to make statements, like
  124. stoned made the statement "Legalize Marijuana"...Tequila was obviously
  125. made by one who liked tequila <go figure).
  126. d) Fame, some love to see their creation make it to the media and on TV,
  127. although this rarely happens.
  128. e) Challenge, to make a virus is challenging, one might want to make one
  129. just to see if he/she could do it.
  130. f) Education, some do it simply to learn more complex programming. Virus
  131. writing is easily one project that requires excellent advanced
  132. programming skills.
  133. +--------------------------+
  135. +--------------------------+
  136. Back in the day, floppies and BBS were probably the most common ways to get
  137. a virus. However, times have changed and there are plenty of new and
  138. "exciting" ways to contract one:
  139. - NETWORK, this can be on a local network one user may get infected and the
  140. virus will spread to other nodes on the network.
  141. - FLOPPY/CD, a computer infected with a virus may burn a CD unknownly
  142. writing it onto the CD, you launch it and get it. Floppies work the
  143. same way.
  144. - WEBSITES, downloading from websites you really don't know, the webmaster
  145. could have deliberately infected the file you downloaded or was done
  146. by accident.
  147. - P2P NETWORKS, this is probably the #1 source of viruses right now, right
  148. up there with newsgroups. P2P Networking is tricky because the description
  149. can be labeled as something else yet the file could be something completely
  150. different from the description..and generally you don't see the filename
  151. until after it has been downloaded, a good example would be Kazaa.
  152. - EMAIL, sometimes viruses spread themselves through email programs. The
  153. virus may compose itself from one of your friends email boxes, you thinking
  154. it is safe after all it is your friend right? you run it and get infected.
  155. +-------------------------+
  156. | COMMON MYTHS |
  157. +-------------------------+
  159. This is not true, in fact some viruses cause malicious damage because of a
  160. bug in the coding, go figure. Anyway, some viruses are simply around to
  161. replicate and spread, others are designed to display political messages or
  162. annoy the user. There are viruses out there that are hell bent on destroying
  163. computers, yes but there are some that don't.
  165. 98% of the time the computer crashes because of faulty hardware, faulty
  166. hardware drivers, faulty or conflicting software, corrupted files, or
  167. corrupted operating system...just because your computer crashes DOES not
  168. mean you have a virus. Viruses like to hide before they do any damage to
  169. your computer, so the chances are you will not realize unless you have a
  170. antivirus if you have a virus active on your system.
  172. What people don't understand is that having more than one antivirus doesn't
  173. make you safer, in fact it could cause conflicts on your computer. I
  174. recommend only using one antivirus at a time.
  176. With the exception of the Outlook Express vulnerability, NO you cannot.
  177. The Outlook Express vulernability was a bug that allowed execution of
  178. code through the preview window, this has been fixed with recent patches.
  179. Otherwise, you can NOT get a virus by simply reading your email using
  180. your eyeballs, but you can get a virus if you selectively download
  181. a virus infected file and run it.
  183. No, this is because cds are read-only. There is no currently known virus
  184. that can write itself using a cd burner or otherwise. HOWEVER, viruses
  185. can come from CDR media that came from an infected computer. Commercial
  186. software has maybe a 1 in a trillion chance of being infected by a virus,
  187. most companies are VERY careful about infection but it doesn't mean it
  188. can't happen. CDs can carry viruses yes, but a virus cannot infect a
  189. CD.
  191. No, in fact adults write viruses almost as much as kids do. Virus writers
  192. are very intelligent they just choose to waste their talent on viruses.
  194. No, video formats such as .WMV, .WMA, .AVI, .MPG, .MPEG, .ASF, etc. etc.
  195. do not contain any "executable" code to modify other files. video files
  196. CANNOT WILL NOT contain viruses. The exception is when the file has a
  197. double extension, such as home.wmv.exe...this means the file was designed
  198. to appear as a video but really isn't.
  200. Not true, however a bug in Winamp 2.79 may cause a executable code to be
  201. run through a mp3 data stream. MP3 files themselves CANNOT contain viruses
  202. because once again there is no executable code.
  204. Same as video, you cannot get a virus through a picture file. These
  205. extensions include, but not limited to:
  206. .JPG, .JPEG, .TIFF, .PIC, .BMP, .TIF, .GIF, .PSD, .PSP, etc.
  208. This is untrue, before you mouth drops let me explain something. A virus
  209. injects its code into other programs for example:
  210. 01010101010 << orignal code
  211. 010101010103333 << orignal code with virus attached at the end
  212. 01010101010 << cleaned by antivirus product
  213. Trojans and Worms work differently because the WHOLE program is the
  214. problem.
  215. 33333333333 << trojan/worm
  216. There is NO good useful code in the program, thus there is nothing for
  217. the antivirus software to recover data from. The antivirus program CAN
  218. delete the trojan/worm and get the infection off of your computer, but
  219. it cannot clean it.
  221. No you are not. antivirus products can in fact be a false sense of security,
  222. no antivirus product is perfect. New viruses are created all the time and
  223. antivirus programs can't detect these unless they have a sample. Yes av
  224. products do reduce the chance of getting an infection but they are not
  225. fool proof.
  226. +-----------------------+
  228. +-----------------------+
  230. There are many different products out on the market, at this point there is
  231. NO product that is really superior to the other. There are free antivirus
  232. products and pay products. here is the list of some common antivirus
  233. products used at present time:
  234. Symantec Norton Antivirus - www.symantec.com
  235. Mcafee Antivirus - www.mcafee.com
  236. F-Secure Antivirus - www.f-secure.com
  237. PC-Cillin - housecall.trendmicro.com
  238. AVG Antivirus (free version) - www.grisoft.com
  239. NOD32 Antivirus System - www.nod32.com
  240. Avast Antivirus (free) - www.alwil.com
  241. It is recommended that you have at least one antivirus product on your
  242. computer at all times. It is recommended that you have the constant virus
  243. monitor on if you do not have common knowledge about computers and how to
  244. identify a virus from a regular program.
  246. Many antivirus products do provide trojan protection, however they are
  247. generally not as good as antitrojan products available. You may or may not
  248. have a anti-trojan product on your computer..it is simply optional.
  249. Trojan Hunter - www.misec.net/trojanhunter/
  250. The Cleaner - www.moosoft.com
  251. Tauscan - www.agnitum.com/
  253. * Never download attachments in email from people you don't know, in fact
  254. don't download attachments from people you DO know. Viruses can spread
  255. through friends address books and the virus could be sent to you.
  256. * Check file sizes, if you are downloading say..AOL Instant Messenger and
  257. the file size is only 20K big..think about it..is AIM really on 20K in
  258. size? I don't think so.
  259. * .COM/.SHS/.BAT/.VBS/.DOC are generally bad news. These files types usually
  260. contain viruses.
  261. * Always check extensions, if there are two extensions the file is normally
  262. bad news..and the second extension is what the file REALLY is.
  263. * Viruses are usually launched through .exe, .com, .shs, .vbs, .doc and
  264. files in .zip files can contain them.
  265. * If unsure, use your antivirus scanner on the questionable file this should
  266. give you a good idea what you are working with.
  267. * make sure you keep your antivirus up-to-date, a virus scanner can only be
  268. effective if it has up-to-date patterns to look for.
  269. I am hoping this helped someone out there with a introduction to viruses and
  270. how to protect yourself from them.

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