God Pleasers

SUBMITTED BY: Zenithfund

DATE: Feb. 13, 2017, 9:50 a.m.

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HITS: 715

  1. The reaction of the enemy will not overcome us, all it's there to do is scare us & if we have faith we have the opposite of fear & when we have fear then it's the opposite of faith. Faith pleases God. If we love God we'd go outta our way to please him. Faith moves the hand of God & if we're God pleasers, not world pleasers, not man pleasers & if we're in trouble time, when we're going through a storm do we think God is just going to sit by & watch, no way, God will step in. We have the bible that says, "And these signs shall follow him that believe in my name, they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents & if they drink any deadly thing no harm will come to them" Gods got our backs. Even if we're sick we will recover. When we're in the arms of God we're protected. He will not leave us nor forsake us, he will be with us till the end...
  2. When we reach our limitation we know God will step in & with God all things are possible. Devil touch us but our God will touch us greater. When we're a person of purpose understand it's going to attract wounding. We're children of God there are influences in the world that are not conducive for our purpose/God's plan for us. We don't want anybody to intercept that plan. Rather be wounded because of purpose than wounded because of compromise. Put our foot down, maintain our ground & when things go bad & we've been wounded because of purpose God will step in & he'll mend that broken heart, that wound, we don't have to do it, we will fight, we will fast, we will pray. There'll be problems & issue but it's worthit because it doesn't become our problem it becomes God's problem. Anything that we do God's way & it doesn't work out the way we think God will end up handling that problem for us....

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