5$ BTC Free!! [Android / iOS]


DATE: May 29, 2015, 1:50 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 662 Bytes

HITS: 797

  1. Hi :D
  2. Circle for Bitcoin is giving away 5$ BTC to all new users that sign up to their service, download their app and scan a QR code. Existing users will not get 5$ BTC, also have a phone number ready.
  3. 1. Sign up at : http://sh.st/kJeTf
  4. 2. Verify email.
  5. 3. Verify Phone number.
  6. 4. Download app :
  7. Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.circle.android
  8. iOS : https://itunes.apple.com/app/id920164002?mt=8
  9. 5. Log into app, it will send another code to your phone number. Just enter that code.
  10. 6. Scan this QR :
  11. http://sh.st/kJeYq
  12. 7. Receive 5$.
  13. Proof :D
  14. http://goo.gl/LOUIv7
  15. Enjoy :D

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