given against large denominational

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  1. The Times of Volume Six
  2. This volume presents testimonies penned by Ellen G. White
  3. during her sojourn in Australia. Except for an occasional reference
  4. to the local field, the reader would not detect that the writer was in
  5. another continent, for the instruction is world wide in its scope. It
  6. is a fact, nevertheless, that the revelations given to Mrs. White had
  7. a direct bearing on current issues and the development of the work
  8. at the time of writing. It is understandable, therefore, that there are
  9. represented in this volume topics which were related to the lines of
  10. work being developed in the Australasian field during this period.
  11. Publication of the book took place in the year 1901, after Mrs. White
  12. had returned to the United States.
  13. In its topical arrangement, volume 6 is quite different from the
  14. preceding five volumes. Up to this time the testimonies had first
  15. appeared in pamphlets and small books as counsel was progressively
  16. given for the Church. The articles were printed largely in
  17. chronological order, and dealt with almost every phase of Christian
  18. experience and every line of denominational work. As the content
  19. of these thirty-three publications was reprinted in volumes 1 to 5,
  20. the original order was left unchanged. A number of the articles were
  21. communications addressed first to individuals and later published
  22. for the church because the cases presented illustrated the experience
  23. of many others. Some of the articles dealt with local situations and
  24. special issues. There was some repetition of thought, as important
  25. lines of truth were stressed again and again as the Church was
  26. in danger of neglecting some line of work or of letting slip some
  27. church standard. These testimonies bore rich fruit in the lives of
  28. Seventh-day Adventists and in the work of the denomination.
  29. With the publication of volume 6, eleven years after volume
  30. 5 was issued, the Testimonies for the Church took on a new form.
  31. The work of the denomination, now becoming world wide in its [4]
  32. scope, presented needs and problems which called forth considerable
  33. counsel and instruction in certain particular lines. This represented
  34. vii
  35. viii Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
  36. largely an amplification of lines of instruction presented in earlier
  37. years and a re-emphasis of counsel. Consequently it was not difficult,
  38. when the articles for volume 6 were gathered for publication, to
  39. arrange them in topical order.
  40. That Mrs. White might assist in the starting of a training school
  41. in Australia, she was asked to go to that field in 1891. She led
  42. out in the appeals for the school and assisted in laying plans for
  43. the work. Being in a new field, there was little by way of past
  44. experience or precedent to influence the plans. Under these favorable
  45. circumstances, and with the spirit of prophecy counsels to guide
  46. and guard, the Australasian Missionary College was established in
  47. a backward country region. From this training center, Australian
  48. youth, with the practical education gained at Avondale, were to serve
  49. in the home fields and to penetrate the far-flung islands of the South
  50. Pacific. In its rural environment, in its broad industrial program, and
  51. in some other features the Avondale school was to become a pattern
  52. school. As the instruction concerning the conduct of our educational
  53. work was presented anew to guide and mold this institution, entering
  54. into the many details of location, finance, curriculum, discipline,
  55. and administration, it was included in this volume for the benefit of
  56. the church around the world.
  57. When Mrs. White reached Australian Shores, she found a work
  58. well begun, but still in its infancy. In the aggressive evangelistic
  59. program which was developed and fostered, not only the evangelists
  60. themselves were engaged in service, but in not a few cases they
  61. were joined by their wives in giving Bible studies and sometimes
  62. in preaching. Several well-planned evangelistic camp meetings
  63. were held, which were carefully followed up so as to conserve the
  64. harvest. There were many conversions, followed by baptisms and
  65. [5] the organizing of new churches and the building of meetinghouses.
  66. Not only in the planning for the work was the influence of the
  67. spirit of prophecy felt, but Mrs. White herself took an active part in
  68. preaching, in personal work, and in assisting in the raising of money
  69. for the new church buildings. Counsel regarding these phases of our
  70. work is found in this volume.
  71. It was in the times of volume 6 that Seventh-day Adventists
  72. became more fully mission conscious and accepted the whole world
  73. as a field of labor. The building and launching of the mission boat,
  74. Times of Volume Six ix
  75. “Pitcairn,” in California in 1890 fired the imagination of young
  76. and old alike and focused attention on an around-the-world mission
  77. program. The reports of the voyages of the “Pitcairn,” as it pioneered
  78. mission work in the South Sea Islands, were eagerly watched by all.
  79. It was not long until colporteur evangelists entered India with
  80. our literature, and in 1894 our missionaries in Africa pushed up into
  81. distinctively native territories and established the Solusi Mission, our
  82. first foreign mission among heathen peoples. Ministers were also
  83. soon sent into South America. Then, too, Mrs. White’s presence
  84. in Australia for nine years as a pioneer worker helped to keep the
  85. eyes of Seventh-day Adventists on the ends of the earth and to place
  86. emphasis on the admonition given on page 31 of this volume: “It
  87. is our work to give to the whole world,—to every nation, kindred,
  88. tongue, and people,—the saving truths of the third angel’s message.”
  89. Throughout the volume various mission fields are mentioned by
  90. name, and appeals for men and means are presented, together with
  91. counsel and encouragement concerning the work in different lands.
  92. A number of colleges and worker training schools were started
  93. during the times of volume 6. Early in the period Union College at
  94. Lincoln, Nebraska, was opened in 1891 and Walla Walla College
  95. in the state of Washington in 1892. The others were in Australia,
  96. South Africa, and Denmark. Sanitariums were also opened at Boulder,
  97. Colorado, in 1896, in Denmark and South Africa in 1897, and
  98. at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, in 1899. Two new publishing [6]
  99. houses were added to the list of institutions, one in Hamburg, Germany,
  100. in 1895, and the other in Buenos Aires, South America, in
  101. 1897. Church schools presenting elementary work were also begun
  102. in several places.
  104. Though many warnings were given against large denominational
  105. centers and centralizing tendencies, the steadily growing work
  106. seemed to require more people and larger facilities at our denominational
  107. headquarters at Battle Creek, Michigan, and plans were

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