near to protect Him. He passed safely

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 18, 2017, 1:38 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 4.7 kB

HITS: 11818

  1. h better than that which had been served before, and there was
  2. enough for all.
  3. After working the miracle, Jesus quietly went away. Not till He
  4. had gone, did the guests know of the work He had done.
  5. Christ’s gift to the marriage feast was a symbol. The water
  6. represented baptism, and the wine His blood, that was to be shed for
  7. the world.
  8. The wine which Jesus made was not fermented liquor. Such wine
  9. is a cause of drunkenness and many great evils, and God had forbidden
  10. its use. He says, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and
  11. whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” “It biteth like a serpent,
  12. and stingeth like an adder.” Proverbs 20:1; 23:32.
  13. The wine used at the feast was the pure, sweet juice of the grape.
  14. It was like that which the prophet Isaiah calls “the new wine in the
  15. cluster;” and he says, “A blessing is in it.” Isaiah 65:8.
  16. By going to the marriage feast, Christ showed that it is right to
  17. meet together in this pleasant way. He liked to see people happy. Often
  18. He visited them in their homes, and tried to have them forget their
  19. cares and their troubles, and think of God’s goodness and His love.
  20. Wherever He might be, Christ was always trying to do this. Wherever
  21. a heart was open to receive the divine message, He unfolded the truths
  22. of the way of salvation.
  23. One day, as He was passing through the country of Samaria, He
  24. sat down by a well to rest. When a woman came to draw water, He
  25. asked her for a drink.
  26. The woman wondered at this, for she knew how the Jews hated the
  27. Samaritans. But Christ told her that if she
  28. 53
  29. 54
  30. would ask of Him, He would give her living water. At this she
  31. wondered the more. Then Jesus said to her:
  32. “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but
  33. whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst;
  34. but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water
  35. springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:13, 14. By the living water
  36. is meant the Holy Spirit. As a thirsty traveler needs water to drink, so
  37. do we need God’s Spirit in our hearts. He who drinks of this water
  38. shall never thirst.
  39. The Holy Spirit brings God’s love into our hearts. It satisfies our
  40. longings, so that the riches and honors and pleasures of this world do
  41. not attract us. And it fills us with such joy that we want others to have
  42. it too. It will be in us like a spring of water, that flows out in blessing
  43. to all around.
  44. And every one in whom God’s Spirit dwells, will live forever with
  45. Christ in His kingdom. Received into the heart by faith, it is the
  46. beginning of the life eternal.
  47. This precious blessing Christ told the woman He would give her if
  48. she asked for it. So He will give it to us.
  49. This woman had broken God’s commandments, and Christ showed
  50. her that He knew the sins of her life. But He showed, too, that He was
  51. her friend, that He loved and pitied her, and that if she was willing to
  52. forsake her sins, God would receive her as His child.
  53. How glad she was to know this! In her joy she hurried away to the
  54. town near by, and called the people to come and see Jesus.
  55. So they came to the well, and asked Him to stay with them. He
  56. remained two days, and taught them, and many
  57. 55
  58. listened to His words. They repented of their sins, and believed on
  59. Him as their Saviour.
  60. During His ministry, Jesus twice visited His old home at Nazareth.
  61. At the first visit He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day.
  62. Here He read from Isaiah’s prophecy about the work of the
  63. Messiah—how He was to preach good tidings to the poor, to comfort
  64. the sorrowing, to give sight to the blind, and to heal those that were
  65. bruised.
  66. Then He told the people that all this was fulfilled that day. This
  67. was the work that He Himself was doing.
  68. At these words the hearers were filled with joy. They believed that
  69. Jesus was the promised Saviour. Their hearts were moved upon by the
  70. Holy Spirit, and they responded with fervent amens and praises to the
  71. Lord.
  72. Then they remembered how Jesus had lived among them as a
  73. carpenter. Often they had seen Him working in the shop with Joseph.
  74. Though in His whole life there had been only deeds of love and mercy,
  75. they would not believe that He was the Messiah.
  76. By such thoughts as these they opened the way for Satan to control
  77. their minds. Then they were filled with wrath against the Saviour.
  78. They cried out against Him, and determined to take His life.
  79. They hurried Him away, meaning to throw Him over the steep side
  81. of a hill. But holy angels were near to protect Him. He passed safely
  82. through the crowd, and was not to be found.
  83. The next time He came to Nazareth, the people were no more ready
  84. to receive Him. He went a

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