Government Is Allowed To Spy On You Without Your Knowledge - Why?


DATE: June 17, 2016, 10:22 p.m.

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HITS: 354

  1. It appears that our government is permitted to spy for us citizens for up to any reason they're able to come up with, yet, were not capable to go behind their closed doors to see what the nation's lawmakers are as much as? Hmm, think about fairness I ask?
  2. There was a fascinating article inside Wall Street Journal recently; "Judge Sides With Technology Firms in Case Over Justice Department's Gag Orders - Judge denies 15 government applications for gag orders against carrier's networks, ruling they lacked enough information," compiled by Joe Palazzolo and Devlin Barrett - published on May 13, 2016 which stated:
  3. "A Brooklyn magistrate judge has rejected the Justice Department's practice of obtaining gag orders against technology companies, saying federal agents really should have to give a unique reason why customers of Facebook along with other firms really should not be told if the government searches their data."
  4. Oh also it gets worse, consider this to be; if our government has your entire information and shares it with governments worldwide, that this does, once we have international and inter-agency spy deals. Thus if other governments and our government are routinely hacked - then anyone and everyone may have your computer data. See that point? If anything you do from the world is actually non-private while forced to surrender your data or they may just take it and present it away or leak it, then shouldn't all governments and all of leaders here and abroad become a totally open book for everyone to see?
  5. After all, what's fair is fair. And, this may get rid of any conspiracy theories too, just as if all governments, political leaders and international groups were transparent then we'd have a very level game where The People as well as the Government were equal, and within the USA since were the government and we have been supposed to be one, have you thought to one set of rules for both? Yes, this is probably a mental masturbation philosophical conundrum, however, I dare to inquire about; What If?
  6. That should be to say, suppose everything were out inside open for everyone sides?
  7. Perhaps it's not such a silly question to pose once we move forward to the future?
  8. What say you? Can you imagine this sort of future? Could it ever arrived at fruition? What would function as the positives and negatives when it actually did?
  9. Okay so, I will leave you with this thought today - please think upon it.

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