SUBMITTED BY: gheo2016

DATE: April 24, 2016, 8:28 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.4 kB

HITS: 565

  1. Ok guys, today I will share my $40-$120/day method for all of you adsense guys because it holds no more value for me.
  2. -Note, I have been doing this undetected for years, but My adsense has been BANNED because I got greedy and tried to scale up to $1,000/day using massive private proxies and multiple vpns. Keep it @ a minimum and you should be fine, BUT still proceed with caution because it will catch up to you.
  3. ==================================================================
  4. 1. Find a HIGH paying cpc niche. Any Niche will work, but it has to be HIGH paying.
  5. -For this example, we'll use "Boston Divorce Attorney" which has a CPC of $20-40
  6. 2. Create a Viral Facebook Fanpage to direct traffic (not used for Clicks, but used to offset CTR): Its very simple to create; just make a fanpage that teenagers would like. Something like this would do
  7. -Page name: "YOLO on Sundays"
  8. -Buy 1k+ Likes on Fiverr
  9. -Go to reddit and steal pictures to post daily and include "share or comment blah blah" in the description
  10. -share your posts
  11. -create an advert for facebook likes @ $0.10/1000 impressions (you'll get REAL likes for less than a penny)
  12. -once you get about 300-500 REAL likes, your page will go viral and so you can stop your advert campaigns
  13. 3. Create an EMD website for your chosen niche and set up adsense
  14. 4. Go to your facebook fanpage and post a viral image with a bitly url redirecting to your adsense EMD domain; people will click on it and itll make google think that your traffic is "legit traffic from facebook".
  15. 5. Clear your browser cookies
  16. 6. Heres the fun part, GO TO STARBUCKS with your smartphone or laptop and browse your site for 5 minutes (to improve bounce rate), then click on one of your adsense Ads and BOOM, you just made $10-$30 bucks (60% of the CPC) (you can just use a VPN or private proxy, but google will know its a VPN)
  17. 7. Clear cookies and Go to another public location and browse for a few minutes then click on your ad; theres another easy $10-30 to your adsense
  18. 9. Repeat this daily while rotating the locations you click from with free wifi.
  19. Locations to click ads
  20. -Starbucks
  21. -mcdonalds
  22. -Library
  23. -Hospital
  24. -Your neighbor's wifi
  25. -Multiple restaurants
  26. -VPN
  27. -Your phone's 3g/4g network
  28. ect
  29. -- If your facebook page is losing ctr power, just change the name of it to something else or create a new one

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