from his specific work. In the spirit of

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 6, 2017, 4:59 p.m.

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HITS: 11909

  1. Chap. 1 - Sketch of Experience
  2. From February 7, 1868, to May 20, 1868
  3. After we had reached our home, and ceased to feel the inspiring
  4. influence of journeying and laboring, we felt most sensibly the wearing
  5. labors of our eastern tour. Many were urging me by letters to write what
  6. I had related to them of what the Lord had shown me concerning them.
  7. And there were many others to whom I had not spoken whose cases were
  8. as important and urgent. But in my weary condition the task of so much
  9. writing seemed more than I could endure. A feeling of discouragement
  10. came over me, and I sank into a feeble state and remained so several
  11. days, frequently fainting. In this state of body and mind I called in
  12. question my duty to write so much, to so many persons, some of them
  13. very unworthy. It seemed to me that there was certainly a mistake in this
  14. matter somewhere.
  15. On the evening of February 5 Brother Andrews spoke to the people
  16. in our house of worship. But most of that evening I was in a fainting,
  17. breathless condition, supported by my husband. When Brother Andrews
  18. returned from the meeting, they had a special season of prayer for me,
  19. and I found some relief. That night I slept well, and in the morning,
  20. though feeble, felt wonderfully relieved and encouraged. I had dreamed
  21. that a person brought to me a web of white cloth, and bade me cut it into
  22. garments for persons of all sizes and all descriptions of character and
  23. circumstances in life. I was told to cut them out and hang them up all
  24. ready to be made when called for. I had the impression that many for
  25. whom I was required to cut garments were unworthy. I inquired if that
  26. was the last piece of cloth I should have to cut, and was told that it was
  27. not; that as soon as I had finished this one, there
  28. 10
  29. were others for me to take hold of. I felt discouraged at the amount of
  30. work before me, and stated that I had been engaged in cutting garments
  31. for others for more than twenty years, and my labors had not been
  32. appreciated, neither did I see that my work had accomplished much
  33. good. I spoke to the person who brought the cloth to me, of one woman
  34. in particular, for whom he had told me to cut a garment. I stated that
  35. she would not prize the garment, and that it would be a loss of time and
  36. material to present it to her. She was very poor, of inferior intellect, and
  37. untidy in her habits, and would soon soil it.
  38. The person replied: “Cut out the garments. That is your duty. The
  39. loss is not yours, but mine. God sees not as man sees. He lays out
  40. the work that He would have done, and you do not know which will
  41. prosper, this or that. It will be found that many such poor souls will go
  42. into the kingdom, while others, who are favored with all the blessings
  43. of life, having good intellects and pleasant surroundings, giving them
  44. all the advantages of improvement, will be left out. It will be seen that
  45. these poor souls have lived up to the feeble light which they had, and
  46. have improved by the limited means within their reach, and lived much
  47. more acceptably than some others who have enjoyed full light and ample
  48. means for improvement.”
  49. I then held up my hands, calloused as they were with long use of the
  50. shears, and stated that I could but shrink at the thought of pursuing this
  51. kind of labor. The person again repeated:
  52. “Cut out the garments. Your release has not yet come.”
  53. With feelings of great weariness I arose to engage in the work.
  54. Before me lay new, polished shears, which I commenced using. At once
  55. my feelings of weariness and discouragement left me; the shears seemed
  56. to cut with hardly an effort on my
  57. 11
  58. part, and I cut out garment after garment with comparative ease.
  59. With the encouragement which this dream gave me, I at once decided
  60. to accompany my husband and Brother Andrews to Gratiot, Saginaw,
  61. and Tuscola Counties, and trust in the Lord to give me strength to labor.
  62. So, on the 7th of February, we left home, and rode fifty-five miles to
  63. our appointment at Alma. Here I labored as usual, with a comfortable
  64. degree of freedom and strength. The friends in Gratiot County seemed
  65. interested to hear, but many of them are far behind on the health reform
  66. and in the work of preparation generally. There seemed to be among this
  67. people a want of the order and efficiency necessary to prosperity in the
  68. work and spirit of the message. Brother Andrews, however, visited them
  69. three weeks later and enjoyed a good season with them. I will not pass
  70. over a matter of encouragement to me, that a very pointed testimony
  71. which I had written to one family was received with profit to the persons
  72. addressed. We still feel a deep interest in that family and ardently desire
  73. that they may enjoy prosperity in the Lord, and although we feel some
  74. discouragement as to the cause in Gratiot County we shall be anxious to
  75. help the brethren when they feel anxious to be helped.
  76. At the Alma meeting there were brethren present from St. Charles
  77. and Tittabawassee, Saginaw County, who urged us to visit them. We
  78. had not designed to enter this county at present, but to visit Tuscola
  79. County if the way opened. Not hearing from Tuscola, we decided to
  80. visit Tittabawassee, and meantime write to Tuscola County and inquire
  81. if we were wanted there. At Tittabawassee we were happily disappointed
  82. to find a large house of worship, recently built by our people, well filled
  83. with Sabbathkeepers. The brethren seemed ready for our testimony, and
  84. we enjoyed freedom. A great and good work had been done in this place
  85. through the faithful labors
  86. 12
  87. of Brother A. Much bitter opposition and persecution had followed, but
  88. this seemed to melt away with those who came to hear, and our labors
  89. seemed to make a good impression upon all. I attended eleven meetings
  90. in this place in one week, spoke several times from one to two hours,
  91. and took part in the other meetings. At one meeting an effort was made
  92. to induce certain ones who observe the Sabbath to move forward and
  93. take up the cross. The duty before most of these was baptism. In my
  94. last vision I saw places where the truth would be preached and bring
  95. out churches which we should visit. This was one of those places. I
  96. felt a peculiar interest for this people. The cases of certain ones in the
  97. congregation opened before me, and a spirit of labor for them came upon
  98. me which I could not throw off. For about three hours I labored for
  99. them, most of the time appealing to them with feelings of the deepest
  100. solicitude. All took the cross on that occasion and came forward for
  101. prayers, and nearly all spoke. The next day fifteen were baptized.
  102. No one can visit this people without being impressed with the value
  103. of Brother A’s faithful labors in this cause. His work is to enter places
  104. where the truth has not been proclaimed, and I hope our people will
  106. cease their efforts to draw him from his specific work. In the spirit of
  107. humility he can go forth, leaning upon the arm of the Lord, and rescue
  108. many souls from the powers of darkness. May the blessing

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