

DATE: Nov. 5, 2014, 12:46 a.m.

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HITS: 969

  1. I think you all have some questions and I'm going to try to "pre-answer" a couple of them.
  2. Q1: How does it work? Why is the account valuable if you don't have to do anything?
  3. A1: I have no idea I never got it either, I've discovered happy miner on an old forum and didn't really understand why the accounts are valuable and what can be done with happy gold, but all I know is that people are buying/selling them. If someone knows more about happy miner, I would be delighted to hear more about it.
  4. Q2: Is it worth it?
  5. A2: It depends. I never invested big ammounts of money, but I think this thing can be scaled up. I've only been buying $10 accounts and sold them after 30 days for $12.56. I used the profit to get domains or pay hosting. Also, you can keep the account for a longer time.
  6. Example: 60 days = 60 happy gold.
  7. $10 money spent for a 5000 happy gold account.
  8. $16.51 is worth for sale an account with 5060 happy gold.
  9. Or, if you are willing (but I wouldn't really recommend it because IDK much about this website, probably others do) you could invest much more money for an account with much more happy gold and the profit would be bigger.
  10. Example: $97.67 account with 5250 happy gold (at buying)
  11. $161.26 account with 5310 happy gold (at selling) after 60 days
  12. I know it's not much and for most of you guys this is s**t, but for some of us who haven't really made any real money this could be very useful. Also, you don't have to do anything, just wait. It's like having money in the bank
  13. Q3: This site looks like crap and nothing seems legit about it. How can something like that be valuable?
  14. A3: Agreed! I have thought that it may be like this because they're working or transfering it or something like that, but I've checked it on archive.org and it looks like it's been like that for a long time. I really have no idea why in the world would someone pay for an account at **********, it basically gives you money for nothing and it doesn't make any sense, but I've been testing this method for the last couple of months and all I know is that it works. I've been buying and selling those accounts and I made a little profit.
  15. Q4: Why not just register a new account at **********?
  16. A4: For some reason, only accounts with over 5000 happy gold are worth money. I tried registering a new account a couple of weeks ago, and the increase rate is the same for every account I had. It will take forever to get to 5000 happy gold and it's just not worth it. As I've seen on their website, they are offering coupons for accounts with 5000 happy gold and probably that's the reason why accounts with less happy gold are worthless. Also, some people claimed to have coupon generators, maybe it's true and they're the one who "destroyed" the chances of making any money by registering new accounts.

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