Say No To Migraine Headaches!


DATE: June 17, 2016, 9:27 p.m.

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  1. Are you a migraneur (individual who suffers from migraine pain)? If that you are, then you're most definitely conscious of the intense throbbing headache which it brings as well as the disabling symptoms that is included with it!
  2. The word "migraine" came from the Greek work "hemicrania" which literally means "half from the head". This is because classic migraine headache usually affect one side in the head only, using the pain concentrating on the eye or temple. It can be associated with several other symptoms like numbness or weakness, queasiness, dizziness plus a marked sensitivity to light, noise, odors and touch.
  3. Migraine headaches usually affect the females over the males. In fact for each four migraine sufferers, three can be females! It was also observed that migraine has a tendency to run inherited so if you have a very close relative who is afflicted with this debilitating condition, there's a great chance that you will, too.
  4. What does a migraine headache feel as if?
  5. Those who've already suffered from headaches describe the discomfort as a constant, intense throbbing pain which could literally knock you off feet. Migraine headaches can be so disabling that you should lie still within a dark quiet room avoiding even the slightest of stimulation to your of your primary senses to prevent this from worsening. Migraine headaches can also be coupled with nausea and vomiting however in some cases, vomiting can in fact help in relieving the anguish.
  6. Migraine headaches can hit every body of a sudden. However, for anyone who is observant enough, you will see a series of signals before the onset on the pain. These may include abrupt mood changes, food craving, excessive yawning and speech or memory problems. You can also notice a alteration of your energy level and/or experience increased sensitivity.
  7. A amount of migraine sufferers might also experience visual disturbances, temporary vision problems and will feel a tingling sensation into their lips and hands. In some extreme cases; migraine headache can even create a person to hallucinate, go temporarily blind or even be unable to speak!
  8. When the headache finally ends, either feel more alive with your power literally bursting on the seams or maybe you may feel completely drained and pale for about every day or so. Even your heartaches may be affected - you could possibly experience extreme mood changes from euphoria to depression straight away!
  9. Migraine headaches were observed to get triggered by the lot of different factors - from stress with a diet dominated by unhealthy food. You may not understand it but you can be eating a lots of foods that could trigger the onset of migraine headache. Among the most common culprits would be the following:
  10. o Dairy products including buttermilk, chocolate milk, ripened cheeses, sour cream and yogurt
  11. o Processed meat and fish for instance bacon, bologna, corned beef, hotdogs, pickled herring, salami, sausages and smoked fish, among others
  12. o Yeast breads and cakes
  13. o Beverages that have alcohol and caffeine
  14. o Condiments for instance MSG, soy sauce and vinegar
  15. o Pickled foods
  16. If you might be prone to headaches, you could also want to avoid certain fruits and vegetables like avocado, banana, beans, citrus fruits and juices, nuts, onions, papaya, raisins and certain seeds (pumpkin, sesame and sunflower). They may just worsen how often and intensity of your respective migraine pains!

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