

DATE: April 1, 2016, 7:32 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.8 kB

HITS: 35216

  1. Hello World, I'm the owner of this script :
  2. You can copy and paste my script.
  3. #lang racket
  4. (define (fibonacci x y)
  5. (if (< x 99999)
  6. ((println x)
  7. (println y)
  8. (fibonacci (+ x y) (+ x y y)))
  9. (+ 1 1)
  10. )
  11. )
  12. (define (binary x)
  13. (if (<= x #b1111111111)
  14. ((println (10->bin x))
  15. (binary (+ x 1)))
  16. (+ 1 1))
  17. )
  18. (define (10->bin num)
  19. (define (10->bin-help num count)
  20. (define sq
  21. (expt 2 count))
  22. (cond
  23. [(zero? count) (list num)]
  24. [else (cons (quotient num sq) (10->bin-help (remainder num sq) (sub1 count)))]
  25. )
  26. )
  27. (member 1 (10->bin-help num 19)))
  28. (define (code x)
  29. (if (>= x 43251)
  30. ((if (string=? (substring (number->string x) 0 5) "43251")
  31. (println "code found")
  32. ((code (string->number (substring (number->string x) 1))))))
  33. ((println "code not found")
  34. (println "try again"))))
  35. RAW Paste Data
  36. #lang racket
  37. (define (fibonacci x y)
  38. (if (< x 99999)
  39. ((println x)
  40. (println y)
  41. (fibonacci (+ x y) (+ x y y)))
  42. (+ 1 1)
  43. )
  44. )
  45. (define (binary x)
  46. (if (<= x #b1111111111)
  47. ((println (10->bin x))
  48. (binary (+ x 1)))
  49. (+ 1 1))
  50. )
  51. (define (10->bin num)
  52. (define (10->bin-help num count)
  53. (define sq
  54. (expt 2 count))
  55. (cond
  56. [(zero? count) (list num)]
  57. [else (cons (quotient num sq) (10->bin-help (remainder num sq) (sub1 count)))]
  58. )
  59. )
  60. (member 1 (10->bin-help num 19)))
  61. (define (code x)
  62. (if (>= x 43251)
  63. ((if (string=? (substring (number->string x) 0 5) "43251")
  64. (println "code found")
  65. ((code (string->number (substring (number->string x) 1))))))
  66. ((println "code not found")
  67. (println "try again"))))

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