Something we should know...


DATE: May 18, 2017, 11:20 a.m.

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  1. Something we should know...
  2. Praise be to Allah Whom we glorify, Whose help and forgiveness we seek.
  3. We seek refuge in Allah from our own evil deeds and bad behavior. He who
  4. is guided by Allah will never go astray; he who is misguided by Him will
  5. have none to guide him. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of being
  6. worshipped except Allah alone with no partner, and that Muhammad is His
  7. slave and Messenger.
  8. ―O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except as Muslims.‖
  9. ―O mankind! Reverence your guardian Lord, Who created you from a single person, (Adam), and from him created his wife, and from them both scattered (like seeds) countless men and women.
  10. Reverence Allah, through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and
  11. (reverence) the wombs (that bore you); for Allah ever watches over you.‖
  12. (IV: 4) ―O you who believe! Fear Allah, and (always) say a word directed to
  13. the Right; that He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you
  14. your sins: He that obeys Allah and His Messenger has already attained the
  15. highest achievements (He will be admitted to Paradise)‖
  16. Now then:
  17. - Where were the present populations of the world one hundred
  18. years ago?
  19. - Where will they, along with us, be one hundred years from
  20. now?
  21. -
  22. Answer:
  23. We were in the world of the unseen and we will transfer to the world of the
  24. unseen again.
  25. We are just travelers moving between the unseen world of the past and the
  26. unseen world of the future.
  27. - Who then has created us and brought us into existence?
  28. - What are His Attributes?
  29. - Why has He created us?
  30. - What does He want from us?
  31. - What of our deeds pleases Him?
  32. - What makes Him angry with us?
  33. - Why do we die?
  34. - What awaits us after death?
  35. - What proves all that?
  36. Allah (SWT), Who created us with order and proportion and ordained laws
  37. and decrees for the development of all creatures and guided them, cannot
  38. leave us without guidance. He has created this Universe and guided all
  39. creatures to what they have been created for. It is He who directs the sun, the
  40. moon, night and day, animals and trees and even the tiniest particles and
  41. atoms to what they have been created for.
  42. Allah (SWT) willed to guide us; therefore, he created for us the tools of
  43. acquiring knowledge while we were in the wombs of our mothers. Allah
  44. (SWT) says: ―And Allah brought you out from the wombs of your mothers
  45. while you knew nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that
  46. you might give thanks (to Allah).‖
  47. Without these tools we cannot acquire any knowledge and nobody can give
  48. us any of such tools. Allah (SWT) says: ―Say (to the disbelievers): ‗Tell me,
  49. if Allah took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed up your hearts,
  50. who is there—a god other than Allah—who could restore them to you?‘ See
  51. how variously We explain the Signs, yet they turn aside.‖
  52. Allah (SWT)) has created for us the tools of knowledge with which we hear,
  53. see and understand just to help us learn.
  54. He wants us to hear, so He has created for us the tools of hearing.
  55. He wants us to see, so He has created for us the tools of seeing.
  56. He wants us to understand what we see and hear, so He has created for us
  57. the heart and the mind in order to understand.
  58. With these tools we acquire knowledge.
  59. The first thing the Creator wants us to learn is that there is no God but He
  60. and to know His Attributes, He be Glorified; and to know that Mohammad is
  61. His Messenger, whom He sent to us as a guide, and conveyer of glad tidings
  62. and warnings, and to learn the religion He has chosen for us and know our
  63. future and the future of mankind, which we are transferring to after death
  64. leaving this life behind.
  65. But such pieces of information cannot be appropriately learned except
  66. through the knowledge revealed to us by Allah, Who has created us, given
  67. us life, will cause us to die, and resurrect us after our death.
  68. Therefore, Allah (SWT) sent His Messengers to teach us in a language
  69. understandable to us, as Allah (SWT) says: ―And We sent not a Messenger
  70. except with the tongue of his people, in order that he might make (the
  71. Message) clear for them. Then Allah misleads whom He wills and guides
  72. whom He wills. And He is All-Mighty, All-Wise.‖
  73. Thus no human being will have an excuse, a plea or an argument to reject
  74. the Divine Guidance. Allah (SWT) says: ―Messengers as bearers of good
  75. news as well as of warning in order that mankind should have no plea
  76. against Allah after the Messengers. And Allah is ever All-Powerful, All
  77. Wise.‖
  78. As to those misguided people whose poet say:
  79. ―I came, not knowing whence, but I came.
  80. I saw a path before me and walked, all the same.
  81. I will go on walking willingly or unwillingly.
  82. How came I? How saw I my way?
  83. I know not!
  84. But why do I not know?
  85. I know not!‖ we ask them why this confused perplexed poet does not know.
  86. He does not know because he neither knows the Messenger of his Lord, nor
  87. has he received guidance from him. He has lived in mazes and riddles.
  88. Knowing the Messenger and his truthfulness is the key to knowledge,
  89. Guidance and Success in both this life and the Hereafter. But our belief in
  90. the Messenger (peace be upon him) cannot be realized except through
  91. knowing the evidence of his truthfulness and the proofs of his Message.
  92. As to the unbelievers, they would not give up their disbelief unless they
  93. received the signs that would prove the truthfulness of the Messenger (peace
  94. be upon him). Allah (SWT) says: ―Those who disbelief, among the People
  95. of the Scripture and among the polytheists, were not going to depart (from
  96. their ways) until there should come to them clear Evidence, a Messenger
  97. from Allah, rehearsing scriptures kept pure and holy, wherein are books
  98. right and straight.‖

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