Poem Response

SUBMITTED BY: christhegeek517

DATE: Nov. 30, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

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  1. The Pigeon, Icarus! Chris
  2. In “The Pigeon, Icarus!” by Ann Goldring, the narrator exhibits a variety of emotions, such as envy and confusion, towards the pigeons. The narrator has an envious attitude towards as the narrator constantly watches the birds when outside. The narrator thinks “I want to be one of them rustling up eddies to cross and crisscross,” (11-13), displaying the desires to have the ability of flight. The narrator’s envious attitude would later be converted to a confusion, as the person would wonder to himself why the pigeons are willing to “forfeit their freedom” (17). This shows that the narrator cannot comprehend how the animals, who are capable to be free in the skies, are now sacrificing it at night for safety and dependency. The narrator also has a sense of pity towards the pigeons, as the narrator imagines the creatures “longing in attics for what they gave up.” (19). This shows that the narrator identifies with the pigeons, and imagines the negative effects of pigeons residing in cages.

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