Staff Guide for IPvP


DATE: June 18, 2016, 1:27 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.3 kB

HITS: 2302

  1. +----------------------+
  2. IPvP ScreenShare Guide
  3. +----------------------+
  4. [1] Halt the user using /halt witch will tell them the instructions to connect to teamspeak so you can proceed to the next step.
  5. [2] Tell the user if he admits to a HackedClient it will only be a 1d ban [THIS IS A LIE] still permenantly ban the user or the correct punishment for the rule violated
  6. [3] If not admitted tell the user to downlaod TeamViewer witch isnt a virus wich most people qoute its a rat the link can be found
  7. [4] Connect to the users ID Code and Password on the left of the Users computer once connected ask for mouse access witch will speed the ScreenShare up imensly
  8. [5] Check the users controls setting's check over them all make sure its not Binded Hacks in there if clear Set Attack to RShift click in game and the same with GRAVE and APOSTRAPHY
  9. [6] Check the Users Snooper Settings for what version they are using ect then proceed to the users RecourcePacks and then click back one to there .minecraft
  10. [7] check over the Mods make sure everything is the right size but the Main Mods what clients are in is BSPCOre wich spook is found and ToggleSneak were most Ghost Clients are found
  11. [8] if anything is dodge with the File Sizes or you suspect any sort of hacks have them download witch is a java program used to decompile mods and plugins to find hacks
  12. [9] if there Mods are clear go to the users roaming file and go to TS3Client then Cashe then if the user has a folder called {LEMOTE] ban them its a spookster client GC and is very well hidden
  13. [10] if all of the above things are clear ask the user can you check there my skype recived files if allowed check for ghost client if not thats the end of the screenshare
  14. +----------------------+
  16. +----------------------+

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