followers of Jesus. They had prevailed

SUBMITTED BY: mariaauxiliadora

DATE: Sept. 27, 2017, 2:10 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 5.9 kB

HITS: 15450

  1. nder heaven, given among men; so, also,
  2. should the servants of God faithfully and fearlessly declare that
  3. those who embrace but a part of the truths connected with the
  4. third message must gladly embrace the first, second and third
  5. messages as God has given them, or have no part nor lot in the
  6. matter.
  7. I was shown that while the holy women were carrying the
  8. report that Jesus had risen, the Roman guard were circulating
  9. the lie that had been put in their mouths by the chief priests and
  10. elders, that the disciples came by night, while they slept, and
  11. stole the body of Jesus. Satan had put this lie into the hearts
  12. and mouths of the chief priests, and the people stood ready to
  13. receive their word. But God had
  14. 75
  15. made this matter sure, and placed this important event, upon
  16. which hangs salvation, beyond all doubt, and where it was
  17. impossible for priests and elders to cover it up. Witnesses were
  18. raised from the dead to testify to Christ’s resurrection.
  19. Jesus remained with his disciples forty days, causing them
  20. joy and gladness of heart, and opening to them more fully the
  21. realities of the kingdom of God. He commissioned them to
  22. bear testimony to the things which they had seen and heard,
  23. concerning his sufferings, death and resurrection; that he had
  24. made a sacrifice for sin, that all who would, might come unto
  25. him and find life. He with faithful tenderness told them that
  26. they would be persecuted and distressed; but they would find
  27. relief in referring to their experience, and remembering the
  28. words he had spoken to them. He told them that he had
  29. overcome the temptations of the Devil, and maintained the
  30. victory through trials and suffering, that Satan could have
  31. no more power over him, but would more directly bring his
  32. temptations and power to bear upon them, and upon all who
  33. should believe in his name. He told them that they could
  34. overcome, as he had overcome. Jesus endowed his disciples
  35. with power to do miracles, and he told them that although
  36. wicked men should have power over their bodies, he would
  37. at certain times send his angels and deliver them;
  38. 76
  39. that their lives could not be taken from them until their mission
  40. should be accomplished. And when their testimony should be
  41. finished, their lives might be required to seal the testimonies
  42. which they had borne. His anxious followers gladly listened
  43. to his teachings. They eagerly feasted upon every word which
  44. fell from his holy lips. Then they certainly knew that he was the
  45. Saviour of the world. Every word sunk with deep weight into
  46. their hearts, and they sorrowed that they must be parted from
  47. their blessed, heavenly teacher; that after a little they should no
  48. more hear comforting, gracious words from his lips. But again
  49. their hearts were warmed with love and exceeding joy, as Jesus
  50. told them that he would go and prepare mansions for them, and
  51. come again and receive them, that they might ever be with him.
  52. He told them that he would send them the Comforter, the Holy
  53. Spirit, to guide, bless and lead them into all truth; and he lifted
  54. up his hands and blessed them.
  55. *****
  56. Chapter XI. - The Ascension of
  57. Christ.
  58. All heaven was waiting the hour of triumph when Jesus
  59. should ascend to his Father. Angels came to receive the King
  60. of glory, and to escort him triumphantly to heaven. After
  61. 77
  62. Jesus had blessed his disciples, he was parted from them,
  63. and taken up. And as he led the way upward, the multitude
  64. of captives who were raised at his resurrection followed. A
  65. multitude of the heavenly host was in attendance; while in
  66. heaven an innumerable number of angels awaited his coming.
  67. As they ascended up to the holy city, the angels who escorted
  68. Jesus cried out, Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift
  69. up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in.
  70. With rapture the angels in the city, who awaited his coming,
  71. cried out, Who is this King of glory? The escorting angels
  72. with triumph answered, The Lord strong and mighty! The
  73. Lord mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O ye gates! even
  74. lift them up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall
  75. come in. Again the heavenly host cried out, Who is this
  76. King of glory? The escorting angels in melodious strains
  77. answered, The Lord of hosts! He is the King of glory! And
  78. the heavenly train passed into the city. Then all the heavenly
  79. host surrounded the Son of God, their majestic commander,
  80. and with the deepest adoration bowed, casting their glittering
  81. crowns at his feet. And then they touched their golden harps,
  82. and in sweet, melodious strains, filled all heaven with their rich
  83. music and songs to the Lamb who was slain, yet lives again in
  84. majesty and glory.
  85. 78
  86. Next I was shown the disciples as they sorrowfully gazed
  87. towards heaven to catch the last glimpse of their ascending
  88. Lord. Two angels clothed in white apparel stood by them, and
  89. said unto them, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up
  90. into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into
  91. heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go
  92. into heaven. The disciples, with the mother of Jesus, witnessed
  93. the ascension of the Son of God, and they spent that night in
  94. talking over his wonderful acts, and the strange and glorious
  96. things which had transpired within a short time.
  97. Satan counselled with his angels, and with bitter hatred
  98. against God’s government, told them that while he retained his
  99. power and authority upon earth, their efforts must be tenfold
  100. stronger against the followers of Jesus. They had prevailed
  101. nothing against Jesus; but his followers they must overthrow
  102. if possible, and carry on his work through every generation, to
  103. ensnare those who should believe in Jesus, his resurrection and
  104. ascension. Satan related to his angels that Jesus had given his
  105. disciples power to cast them out, rebuke them

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