beseech you to do something for Christ, and

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DATE: Sept. 10, 2017, 8:04 p.m.

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  1. Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
  2. While the angels are holding the four winds, the message is to enter
  3. [27] every field in Australia as fast as possible.
  4. The strengthening of the work in these English-speaking countries
  5. will give our laborers a hundredfold more influence than they
  6. have had to plant the standard of truth in many lands.
  7. While we are trying to work these destitute fields, the cry comes
  8. from far-off countries: “Come over and help us.” These are not so
  9. easily reached, and not so ready for the harvest, as are the fields
  10. more nearly within our sight; but they must not be neglected.
  11. The poverty of the missions in Africa has recently been opened
  12. before me. The missionaries sent from America to the natives of
  13. Africa have suffered and are still suffering for the necessaries of
  14. life. God’s missionaries, who carry the message of mercy to heathen
  15. lands, are not properly sustained in their work.
  16. Our brethren have not discerned that in helping to advance the
  17. work in foreign fields they would be helping the work at home.
  18. That which is given to start the work in one field will result in
  19. strengthening the work in other places. As the laborers are freed
  20. from embarrassment, their efforts can be extended; as souls are
  21. brought to the truth and churches are established, there will be
  22. increasing financial strength. Soon these churches will be able not
  23. only to carry on the work in their own borders, but to impart to other
  24. fields. Thus the burden resting on the home churches will be shared.
  25. The home missionary work will be farther advanced in every
  26. way when a more liberal, self-denying, self-sacrificing spirit is manifested
  27. for the prosperity of foreign missions; for the prosperity of the
  28. home work depends largely, under God, upon the reflex influence
  29. of the evangelical work done in countries afar off. It is in working
  30. actively to supply the necessities of the cause of God that we bring
  31. [28] our souls in touch with the Source of all power.
  32. Although the work in foreign fields has not advanced as it should
  33. have advanced, yet that which has been accomplished affords reason
  34. for gratitude and ground for encouragement. Much less means has
  35. been spent in these fields than in the home fields, and the work has
  36. been done under the hardest pressure and without proper facilities.
  37. Yet, considering the help that has been sent to these fields, the
  38. result is indeed surprising. Our missionary success has been fully
  39. proportionate to our self-denying, self-sacrificing effort. God alone
  40. Extension of the Work in Foreign Fields 29
  41. can estimate the work accomplished as the gospel message has been
  42. proclaimed in clear, straight lines. New fields have been entered, and
  43. aggressive work has been done. The seeds of truth have been sown,
  44. the light has flashed upon many minds, bringing enlarged views of
  45. God and a more correct estimate as to the character to be formed.
  46. Thousands have been brought to a knowledge of the truth as it is in
  47. Jesus. They have been imbued with the faith that works by love and
  48. purifies the soul.
  49. The value of these spiritual advantages is beyond our comprehension.
  50. What line can sound the depths of the word preached? What
  51. balances can correctly weigh the influence of those who are converted
  52. to the truth? In their turn they become missionaries to work
  53. for others. In many places houses of worship have been erected. The
  54. Bible, the precious Bible, is studied. The tabernacle of God is with
  55. men, and He dwells with them.
  56. Let us rejoice that a work which God can approve has been done
  57. in these fields. In the name of the Lord let us lift up our voices in
  58. praise and thanksgiving for the results of work abroad.
  59. And still our General, who never makes a mistake, says to us:
  60. “Advance. Enter new territory. Lift up the standard in every land. [29]
  61. ‘Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen
  62. upon thee.’”
  63. Our watchword is to be: Onward, ever onward. The angels
  64. of God will go before us to prepare the way. Our burden for the
  65. “regions beyond” can never be laid down until the whole earth shall
  66. be lightened with the glory of the Lord.
  67. * * * * *
  68. The missionary spirit needs to be revived in our churches. Every
  69. member of the church should study how to help forward the work
  70. of God, both in home missions and in foreign countries. Scarcely a
  71. thousandth part of the work is being done that ought to be done in
  72. missionary fields. God calls upon His workers to annex new territory
  73. for Him. There are rich fields of toil waiting for the faithful worker.
  74. And ministering angels will co-operate with every member of the
  75. church who will labor unselfishly for the Master.
  76. * * * * *
  77. 30 Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
  78. The church of Christ on earth was organized for missionary
  79. purposes, and the Lord desires to see the entire church devising
  80. ways and means whereby high and low, rich and poor, may hear
  81. the message of truth. Not all are called to personal labor in foreign
  82. fields, but all can do something by their prayers and their gifts to aid
  83. the missionary work.
  84. An American businessman who was an earnest Christian, in conversation
  85. with a fellow worker remarked that he himself worked for
  86. Christ twenty-four hours of the day. “In all my business relations,”
  87. he said, “I try to represent my Master. As I have opportunity, I try to
  88. [30] win others to Him. All day I am working for Christ. And at night,
  89. while I sleep, I have a man working for Him in China.”
  90. In explanation he added: “In my youth I determined to go as a
  91. missionary to the heathen. But on the death of my father I had to
  92. take up his business in order to provide for the family. Now, instead
  93. of going myself, I support a missionary. In such a town of such a
  94. province of China, my worker is stationed. And so, even while I
  95. sleep, I am, through my representative, still working for Christ.”
  96. Are there not Seventh-day Adventists who will do likewise?
  97. Instead of keeping the ministers at work for the churches that already
  98. know the truth, let the members of the churches say to these laborers:
  99. “Go work for souls that are perishing in darkness. We ourselves
  100. will carry forward the services of the church. We will keep up the
  101. meetings, and, by abiding in Christ, will maintain spiritual life. We
  102. will work for souls that are about us, and we will send our prayers
  103. and our gifts to sustain the laborers in more needy and destitute
  104. fields.”
  105. Why should not the members of a church or of several small
  106. churches unite to sustain a missionary in foreign fields? If they will
  107. deny themselves of selfish indulgences, dispense with needless and
  108. hurtful things, they can do this. Brethren and sisters, will you not
  109. help in this work? I beseech you to do something for Christ, and
  111. to do it now. Through the teacher whom your money shall sustain
  112. in the field, souls may be saved from ruin to shine as

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