Persib Bandung


DATE: Feb. 3, 2016, 3:18 p.m.

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  1. Persib ( Bandung Football Association of Indonesia ) is an Indonesian football team stood on March 14, 1933 , the club was based in Bandung , West Java . Persib currently playing in the Indonesian Super League . Their nickname is the Prince Blue Maung Bandung and the main sponsor and the largest still in the grasp of Indofood .
  2. Before being named Persib Bandung in Bandung stand Bandoeng Inlandsche Voetbal Bond (BIVB) in about 1923. BIVB this is one of the nationalist struggle of the organization at that time. Noted as Chairman BIVB is Mr. Syamsudin which is then forwarded by the son of the woman warrior Dewi Sartika, namely R. Atot.
  3. Atot precisely recorded as Commissioner of the West Java first. BIVB Tegallega field advantage in front of the stands racetrack. This BIVB team held several matches outside the city such as Yogyakarta and Jatinegara, Jakarta.
  4. On April 19, 1930, BIVB along with VIJ Jakarta, SIVB (now Persebaya), MIVB (PPSM Magelang), MVB (PSM Madison), VVB (Persis Solo) and PSM (PSIM Yogyakarta) participated in the birth of PSSI during a meeting held Societeit Hadiprojo in Yogyakarta. BIVB at the meeting was represented by Mr. Syamsuddin. A year later the annual competition between cities / union held. BIVB managed to enter the final competition in 1933 despite losing VIJ Jakarta.
  5. BIVB then disappeared and appeared two other associations were also tinged nationalism Indonesia namely Indonesia Bandung Football Association (PSIB) and National Voetball Bond (NVB). On March 14, 1933, the two associations it was agreed to conduct fusion and was born the association named Persib who then chose Anwar St. Pamoentjak as Chairman. The clubs were merged into Persib is READY, Soenda, Singgalang, Diana, Sun, OVU, RAN, HBOM, JOP, MALTA, and Merapi.
  6. Persib back in the final competition in 1934, and again lost from VIJ Jakarta. Two years later Persib back in the final and the defeat of Persis Solo. New in 1937, Persib managed to win the competition in the final avenge the defeat of Persis.

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