

DATE: Nov. 18, 2014, 1:11 a.m.

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HITS: 5080

  1. Earn at least $1 daily - my method
  2. What you need: Brain :-P, Paypal Account or Payza Account or Virtual Credit Card (VCC), Mobile Number
  3. 1. Signup Here: http://cointellect.com/?code=c161b6fd
  4. Cointellect is a group cryptocurrency mining platform that pays on autopilot. You can withdraw via Paypal (minimum 50 Euros), Dogecoin (minimum 0.1 Euros) or cryptopay (minimum 10 Euros). I personally use Dogecoin withdrawal to my HolyTransaction account, convert it to Bitcoin, which can then be used on thousands of online outlets, or withdrawn to bank account (via Payza).
  5. 2. Note down your license number without the dashes/hyphens. If you cannot find your license number, go to the downloads tab and find it there.
  6. Method 1: easy (least profit)
  7. 3. Download Cointellect's coin miner.
  8. 4. Run it and enter your license number WITH the dashes. You will earn more if you own an ATI graphics card.
  9. Method 2: Hard (medium profit)
  10. 3. Go here interserver.net, Go to "Cloud VPS", Register and confirm your account. (Use your PayPal email if you want to pay with paypal.)
  11. 4. Create your VPS following this instruction
  12. -The Slices must be only 1 if you want pay 0,01$
  13. -The Image (OS) must be "Debian"
  14. -The Version must be "7.0 minimal 64bit"
  15. -The coupon must be "1cent" if you want pay 0,01$
  16. 5. Continue and pay 0.01$. You'll receive an email with the infos of the VPS (there's instruction on email of how to connect). Note the IP of your VPS.
  17. 6. Now download the software PUTTY from www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.
  18. 7. Open it. Enter root@{YOUR IP} in host name and click open. Enter your password.
  19. 8. Now copy these three commands and paste them there (right clicking is paste on the linux terminal)
  20. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install yasm -y git make g++ build-essential libminiupnpc-dev; sudo apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev dos2unix; sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev; sudo apt-get install screen; screen
  21. wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpuminer/files/pooler-cpuminer-2.4.tar.gz; tar xzf pooler-cpuminer-2.4.tar.gz; cd cpuminer-2.4; ./configure CFLAGS="-O3 "; make
  22. ./minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// -p 123 -u {YOUR LICENSE NUMBER WITHOUT DASHES}.
  23. 9. Now you will see a process starting. Press Ctrl+A on your keyboard and while holding Ctrl, press D.
  24. 10. Close the terminal and Enjoy!!
  25. Method 3: Hard (most profit)
  26. 3. Go here: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/
  27. 4. Register for the free trial. Enter your VCC number. If you don't have one, contact me at $5 per VCC.
  28. 5. Once it is setup, go to the management portal, and click on virtual server tab and then on New.
  29. 6. Create two Servers (Ubuntu 14.04) with 10 cores each. Note down your cloud url.
  30. 6. Now download the software PUTTY from www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.
  31. 7. Open it. Enter azureuser@{YOUR CLOUD URL} in host name and click open. Enter your password.
  32. 8. Now copy these three commands and paste them there (right clicking is paste on the linux terminal)
  33. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install yasm -y git make g++ build-essential libminiupnpc-dev; sudo apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev dos2unix; sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev; sudo apt-get install screen; screen
  34. wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpuminer/files/pooler-cpuminer-2.4.tar.gz; tar xzf pooler-cpuminer-2.4.tar.gz; cd cpuminer-2.4; ./configure CFLAGS="-O3 "; make
  35. ./minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// -p 123 -u {YOUR LICENSE NUMBER WITHOUT DASHES}.
  36. 9. Now you will see a process starting. Press Ctrl+A on your keyboard and while holding Ctrl, press D.
  37. 10. Close the terminal and Enjoy!!

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