Management Team


DATE: May 25, 2017, 4:46 a.m.

UPDATED: May 25, 2017, 6:01 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 94932

  2. 6304 S. De Mello Street, Hereford, Arizona, 85615
  3. Management Team
  4. Mr. Ed Mazur
  5. The Management Team headed by Ed Mazur is one of the foremost
  6. authorities on the diversified application of Magnetic Levitation Technology.
  7. Mr. Mazur’s philosophy of success is focused on moderation and
  8. prevention. His vision for limiting the unabated use of fossil fuels which is
  9. the scourge and double-edged sword for mankind rises in the form of
  10. Wind Power and Magnetic Levitation. Mr. Mazur recent online and print
  11. publications include: Industrial Class Containerized Agriculture Systems;
  12. Industrial Class Fresh Water Manufacturing Systems; Terra Forming;
  13. Online Options Trading with VIX as Prime Indicator; Maglev Space Port
  14. Launch Systems Powered by Wind and Solar; Maglev Tidal,
  15. Wave & Transportation Solutions; 2011 Maglev Conference Korea, Paper;
  16. Wind Energy Reference of the Western USA with Maglev Solutions –
  17. Arizona; and Wind Energy Reference of the Western USA with Maglev
  18. Solutions – California.
  19. For all information:

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