PLAYERUNKNOWN Early Access Week 5 Update


DATE: April 27, 2017, 1:50 p.m.

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HITS: 13426

  1. Players,
  2. Today on the dev blog we look at what we have updated in this week’s upcoming patch. Before we get to that I want to quickly explain what happened with the loot balance after the first monthly patch last week.
  3. To facilitate the custom game feature allowing users to change the balance of the loot in their games, we had to change the core loot system. When this new system was implemented, we missed a bug that altered the balance of weapons spawned in the world. We have now resolved this issue and the loot balance will be restored to how it was before the update last week. Going forward, we do intend to apply balance passes to the loot, and we will update you here on the dev blog when any of these passes are implemented.
  4. In case you missed it yesterday, we announced our first Charity Invitational, which will be taking place next Thursday, May 4th. We are excited to help Gamers Outreach, and hope you will tune on in on Twitch and see some great streamers battle it out and raise funds for this worthy cause.
  5. Finally, next week the team will be taking a well-deserved week off, so there will be no weekly update. We will be back in the office on Monday May 8th refreshed and ready to push more updates your way!
  6. Now onto what we have changed for this week’s update!
  7. We will first roll this patch out to the test server tomorrow, Wednesday. No ETA for when this will happen yet, so stay tuned to our Twitter for updates!
  8. This patch will be deployed to the main servers on Thursday, April 27, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.
  9. Early Access - Week 5 - Patch Notes
  10. Client Performance Improvement
  11. • Improved the drop in FPS when firing a gun or driving a vehicle
  12. Gameplay
  13. • Rolled back the item spawn balance
  14. • Reduced the amount of health lost when a character is ejected from a flipping motorbike
  15. Bug fixes
  16. • Fixed a bug that caused the door to open towards the player
  17. • Fixed a bug causing incorrect lighting on the 2x scope
  18. • Fixed a bug that caused loot to be not shown in the inventory when a character first obtained it
  19. • Fixed a bug that caused crossbow attachments not to show up in the vicinity pane
  20. • Fixed a bug that caused the sound to stutter
  21. See you in-game,

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