Popular Diets: Diet 5 Tablespoons: Lose Up To 20 Kg. Per Month

SUBMITTED BY: cheetah22

DATE: June 3, 2017, 9:39 p.m.

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  1. Popular Diets: Diet 5 Tablespoons: Lose Up To 20 Kg. Per Month
  2. Diet 5 tablespoons - a balanced diet, the process of losing weight is due to a clear restriction on the amount of food eaten at one time.
  3. Why is a diet of 5 tablespoons called just as a diet for proper weight loss? 5 tablespoons - this is how much in its volume should have a portion that provokes a reduction in excess weight. This volume was established by the European Dietary Association at the 13th International Congress of Dieticians.
  4. As the latest research of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences shows, the most effective is the method of nutrition, which means not limiting the type of food, but reducing its amount entering the stomach at a time.
  5. According to statistics, up to 90% of people with obesity have a stomach that is comparable in size to the stomach of large horned animals. According to gastroenterologists in Russia for 2010, the increased capacity of this digestive organ is characteristic of almost all people who are overweight. This pathology is caused by stretched muscular walls of the stomach, which, in a healthy form, should not exceed the size of a human fist. In connection with this physiology, the ideal portion size was adopted, which stimulates a decrease in fat mass, namely 5 full table spoons. This amount of food (5 spoonfuls) is enough to satisfy hunger and replenish the body's energy reserves. In addition, getting a single dose of food, not exceeding 5 tablespoons by weight, your stomach will gradually begin to shrink. 5 spoonfuls or 150 grams of food - it is this kind of helping the body to lose weight. Like any method of weight loss, offering the correct and, most importantly, long-term weight loss, the diet of 5 tablespoons changes the physiology of digestion, reducing the stomach stretched by food to its natural size. As a result, the losing weight normalizes appetite, hunger is not felt so sharply and often, and a small amount of food retains a feeling of satiety within 5-6 hours. A stable result of a diet of 5 spoonfuls is justified by a natural decrease in the volume of the stomach.
  6. A diet of 5 spoons to observe is very simple. Its food scheme is built fairly freely, except for one BUT - the amount of food you eaten at a time should not exceed the volume of 5 tablespoons (or 150-200 grams). What exactly it will be food is up to you. Perhaps you'll eat a piece of cake or a chop, maybe yogurt or buckwheat porridge with butter. The main thing is to eat no more than 5 tablespoons of food at a time. And, at last, the interval between meals should be at least 3 hours.
  7. Diet Menu 5 tablespoons
  8. Food:
  9. The number of meals is unlimited.
  10. The amount of food eaten per 1 reception is 5 tablespoons (or 150-200 grams of the product).
  11. The type of food and products used is any.
  12. Break between meals - not less than 3 hours.
  13. Liquid:
  14. The amount of clean drinking water is unlimited.
  15. Drinks without sugar (tea, coffee, juices, mineral water) - unlimited. Allowed the use of fructose in the calculation of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. Liquid (glass)
  16. The only thing you should limit yourself to is sweet fizzy drinks and other liquids containing sugar and "sweeteners." To use them is strictly forbidden, since such drinks are, in the literal sense, liquid calories. Any tea, cocoa or coffee you can drink, but, of course, without adding a spoonful of sugar.
  17. Frequently asked questions about the diet of 5 tablespoons
  18. • If I want to eat a piece of meat, how to "scoop" it with a spoon to measure the right portion?
  19. • How to eat a sandwich on a "5 tablespoon" diet?
  20. All products that do not have a liquid or mushy consistency, you can roughly (in the diet is not important principle scrupulosity) to correlate with the volume of 5 tablespoons. For solid food, the total mass is approximately 150-200 grams.
  21. • Can I use a teaspoon instead of a dining room?
  22. Of course, if you prefer to use a teaspoon, instead of dining room, you can use it. The main thing, remember that in one tablespoon 3 tea can "fit", therefore, instead of 5 tablespoons, you can eat 15 teaspoons at a time.
  23. Results on a diet of 5 tablespoons will be visible after a few days of compliance with her regime. The timeframe during which you can follow the methodology is unlimited.
  24. The average weight loss for the week is 4-6 kg, for a month - 15-20 kg.

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