singular and P for plural

SUBMITTED BY: Blackpaw73

DATE: May 6, 2016, 12:23 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.2 kB

HITS: 698

  1. Directions: Circle or highlight the indefinite pronoun. On the line write S for
  2. singular and P for plural. Then, underline the correct verb in parentheses.
  3. ____ 1. Everybody in the room (prefers, prefer) to have the windows open.
  4. ____ 2. I think few of my friends (enjoy, enjoys) going to the dentist.
  5. ____ 3. All of that effort (is, are) going to pay off in the long run.
  6. ____ 4. While waiting on friends, some of the people (talk, talks) to strangers.
  7. ____ 5. Somebody from the crowd (keep, keeps) throwing ice.
  8. ____ 6. Neither of my parents (approve, approves) of that song.
  9. ____ 7. Susan thinks everything (looks, look) ready for the party.
  10. ____ 8. They think nothing from the store (sell, sells) very well.
  11. ____ 9. If we are going to win, more of you (is, are) going to have to hustle.
  12. ____ 10. Several of the people attending the dinner (eat, eats) raw oysters.
  13. ____ 11. Nobody from San Francisco(plan, plans) to attend the rally.
  14. ____ 12. I think many of his songs (sound, sounds) off key.
  15. ____ 13. A few of them (go, goes) to school with me.
  16. ____ 14. Jimmy thinks someone from the team (use, uses) too much cologne.
  17. ____ 15. None of my friends (pretend, pretends) to be smarter than they are.

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