Help Me? Bet You Won't

SUBMITTED BY: f5r1e5s0h

DATE: April 28, 2016, 3:12 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 951 Bytes

HITS: 733

  1. Does anybody remember the golden rule? Does everyone just want to be treated like shit? I guess so considering that's all I see these days. Charity is ignored. The homeless gets ignored. Yet, I try and do something helpful for people in need out of the goodness of my heart and I get kicked off and banned from shopping at a particular website AND using their forum. I get shown no respect or gratitude for sticking my neck out for these people, and unfortunately being treated like this for 26 years has me so jaded that I just assume you are all ungrateful, selfish, wastes of humanity.
  2. want to prove me otherwise? and help someone who desperately needs it. medical bills, facing eviction, among other personal issues.
  3. show me there's at least one good person left in this world. show me that there's even the slightest reason to stick around.
  4. 16q22ULSDjkaYB5L12UPq9tVWoJWR86Fjp
  5. go ahead. there's my bitcoin address. bet you won't though.

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