DATE: Aug. 7, 2014, 9:55 p.m.

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  3. 1. Introduction
  4. 2. Layout of the nvidia-settings GUI
  5. 3. How OpenGL Interacts with nvidia-settings
  6. 4. Loading Settings Automatically
  7. 5. Commandline Interface
  8. 6. X Display Names in the Config File
  9. 7. Connecting to Remote X Servers
  10. 8. Licensing
  11. 9. TODO
  12. 1. Introduction
  13. The `nvidia-settings` utility is a tool for configuring the NVIDIA
  14. Linux graphics driver. It operates by communicating with the NVIDIA
  15. X driver, querying and updating state as appropriate. This
  16. communication is done with the NV-CONTROL X extension.
  17. Values such as brightness and gamma, XVideo attributes, temperature,
  18. and OpenGL settings can be queried and configured via nvidia-settings.
  19. When nvidia-settings starts, it reads the current settings from
  20. its configuration file and sends those settings to the X server.
  21. Then, it displays a graphical user interface (GUI) interface for
  22. configuring the current settings. When nvidia-settings exits, it
  23. queries the current settings from the X server and saves them to
  24. the configuration file.
  25. 2. Layout of the nvidia-settings GUI
  26. The nvidia-settings GUI is organized with a list of different
  27. categories on the left side. Only one entry in the list can be
  28. selected at once, and the selected category controls which
  29. "page" is displayed on the right side of the nvidia-settings GUI.
  30. The category list is organized in a tree: each X screen contains
  31. the relevant subcategories beneath it. Similarly, the Display
  32. Devices category for a screen contains all the enabled display
  33. devices beneath it. Besides each X screen, the other top level
  34. category is "nvidia-settings Configuration", which configures
  35. behavior of the nvidia-settings application itself.
  36. Along the bottom of the nvidia-settings GUI, from left to right, is:
  37. 1) a status bar which indicates the most recently altered option;
  38. 2) a Help button that toggles the display of a help window which
  39. provides a detailed explanation of the available options in the
  40. current page; and 3) a Quit button to exit nvidia-settings.
  41. Most options throughout nvidia-settings are applied immediately.
  42. Notable exceptions are OpenGL options which are only read by OpenGL
  43. when an OpenGL application starts.
  44. Details about the options on each page of nvidia-settings are
  45. available in the help window.
  46. 3. How OpenGL Interacts with nvidia-settings
  47. When an OpenGL application starts, it downloads the current values
  48. from the X driver, and then reads the environment (see APPENDIX E:
  50. the X server override OpenGL's default values, and settings from
  51. the environment override values from the X server.
  52. For example, by default OpenGL uses the FSAA setting requested by
  53. the application (normally, applications do not request any FSAA).
  54. An FSAA setting specified in nvidia-settings would override
  55. the OpenGL application's request. Similarly, the __GL_FSAA_MODE
  56. environment variable will override the application's FSAA setting,
  57. as well as any FSAA setting specified in nvidia-settings.
  58. Note that an OpenGL application only retrieves settings from the X
  59. server when it starts, so if you make a change to an OpenGL value
  60. in nvidia-settings, it will only apply to OpenGL applications which
  61. are started after that point in time.
  62. 4. Loading Settings Automatically
  63. The NVIDIA X driver does not preserve values set with nvidia-settings
  64. between runs of the X server (or even between logging in and logging
  65. out of X, with xdm, gdm, or kdm). This is intentional, because
  66. different users may have different preferences, thus these settings
  67. are stored on a per user basis in a configuration file stored in
  68. the user's home directory.
  69. The configuration file is named "~/.nvidia-settings-rc". You can
  70. specify a different configuration file name with the "--config"
  71. commandline option.
  72. After you have run nvidia-settings once and have generated a
  73. configuration file, you can then run:
  74. nvidia-settings --load-config-only
  75. at any time in the future to upload these settings to the X
  76. server again. For example, you might place the above command in
  77. your ~/.xinitrc file so that your settings are applied automatically
  78. when you log in to X.
  79. Your .xinitrc file, which controls what X applications should
  80. be started when you log into X (or startx), might look something
  81. like this:
  82. nvidia-settings --load-config-only &
  83. xterm &
  84. evilwm
  85. or:
  86. nvidia-settings --load-config-only &
  87. gnome-session
  88. If you do not already have an ~/.xinitrc file, then chances are that
  89. xinit is using a system-wide xinitrc file. This system wide file
  90. is typically here:
  91. /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
  92. To use it, but also have nvidia-settings upload your settings,
  93. you could create an ~/.xinitrc with the contents:
  94. nvidia-settings --load-config-only &
  95. . /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
  96. System administrators may choose to place the nvidia-settings load
  97. command directly in the system xinitrc script.
  98. Please see the xinit(1) manpage for further details of configuring
  99. your ~/.xinitrc file.
  100. 5. Commandline Interface
  101. nvidia-settings has a rich commandline interface: all attributes
  102. that can be manipulated with the GUI can also be queried and set from
  103. the command line. The commandline syntax for querying and assigning
  104. attributes matches that of the .nvidia-settings-rc configuration file.
  105. The "--query" option can be used to query the current value of
  106. attributes. This will also report the valid values for the attribute.
  107. You can run `nvidia-settings --query all` for a complete list of
  108. available attributes, what the current value is, and what values
  109. are valid for the attribute. Additionally, individual attributes
  110. may be specified like this:
  111. nvidia-settings --query CursorShadow
  112. Attributes that may differ per display device (for example
  113. DigitalVibrance can be set independently on each display device
  114. when in TwinView) can be appended with a "display device name"
  115. within brackets; eg:
  116. nvidia-settings --query DigitalVibrance[CRT-0]
  117. If an attribute is display device specific, but the query does not
  118. specify a display device, then the attribute value for all display
  119. devices will be queried.
  120. An attribute name may be prepended with an X Display name and a
  121. forward slash to indicate a different X Display; eg:
  122. nvidia-settings --query[DFP-1]
  123. An attribute name may also just be prepended with the screen number
  124. and a forward slash:
  125. nvidia-settings --query 0/DigitalVibrance[DFP-1]
  126. in which case the default X Display will be used, but you can indicate
  127. to which X screen to direct the query (if your X server has multiple
  128. X screens). If no X screen is specified, then the attribute value
  129. will be queried for all X screens.
  130. The "--assign" option can be used to assign a new value to an
  131. attribute. The valid values for an attribute are reported when the
  132. attribute is queried. The syntax for --assign is the same as --query,
  133. with the additional requirement that assignments also have an equal
  134. sign and the new value. For example:
  135. nvidia-settings --assign FSAA=2
  136. nvidia-settings --assign 0/DigitalVibrance[CRT-1]=9
  137. Multiple queries and assignments may be specified on the commandline
  138. for a single invocation of nvidia-settings.
  139. If either the --query or --assign options are passed to
  140. nvidia-settings, the GUI will not be presented, and nvidia-settings
  141. will exit after processing the assignments and/or queries.
  142. 6. X Display Names in the Config File
  143. In the Commandline Interface section above, it was noted that you
  144. can specify an attribute without any X Display qualifiers, with only
  145. an X screen qualifier, or with a full X Display name. For example:
  146. nvidia-settings --query FSAA
  147. nvidia-settings --query 0/FSAA
  148. nvidia-settings --query stravinsky.nvidia.com:0/FSAA
  149. In the first two cases, the default X Display will be used, in the
  150. second case, the screen from the default X Display can be overridden,
  151. and in the third case, the entire default X Display can be overridden.
  152. The same possibilities are available in the ~/.nvidia-settings-rc
  153. configuration file.
  154. For example, in a computer lab environment, you might log into any
  155. of multiple workstations, and your home directory is NFS mounted
  156. to each workstation. In such a situation, you might want your
  157. ~/.nvidia-settings-rc file to be applicable to all the workstations.
  158. Therefore, you would not want your config file to qualify each
  159. attribute with an X Display Name. Leave the "Include X Display Names
  160. in the Config File" option unchecked on the nvidia-settings Configuration
  161. page (this is the default).
  162. There may be cases when you do want attributes in the config file to
  163. be qualified with the X Display name. If you know what you are doing
  164. and want config file attributes to be qualified with an X Display,
  165. check the "Include X Display Names in the Config File" option on the
  166. nvidia-settings Configuration page.
  167. In the typical home user environment where your home directory is
  168. local to one computer and you are only configuring one X Display,
  169. then it does not matter whether each attribute setting is
  170. qualified with an X Display Name.
  171. 7. Connecting to Remote X Servers
  172. nvidia-settings is an X client, but uses two separate X connections:
  173. one to display the GUI, and another to communicate the NV-CONTROL
  174. requests. These two X connections do not need to be to the same
  175. X server. For example, you might run nvidia-settings on the
  176. computer stravinsky.nvidia.com, export the display to the computer
  177. bartok.nvidia.com, but be configuring the X server on the computer
  178. schoenberg.nvidia.com:
  179. nvidia-settings --display=bartok.nvidia.com:0 \
  180. --ctrl-display=schoenberg.nvidia.com:0
  181. If "--ctrl-display" is not specified, then the X Display to control
  182. is what "--display" indicates. If "--display" is also not specified,
  183. then the $DISPLAY environment variable is used.
  184. Note, however, that you will need to have X permissions configured
  185. such that you can establish an X connection from the computer on
  186. which you are running nvidia-settings (stravinsky.nvidia.com) to the
  187. computer where you are displaying the GUI (bartok.nvidia.com) and the
  188. computer whose X Display you are configuring (schoenberg.nvidia.com).
  189. The simplest, most common, and least secure mechanism to do this
  190. is to use 'xhost' to allow access from the computer on which
  191. you are running nvidia-settings.
  192. (issued from bartok.nvidia.com)
  193. xhost +stravinsky.nvidia.com
  194. (issued from schoenberg.nvidia.com)
  195. xhost +stravinsky.nvidia.com
  196. This will allow all X clients run on stravinsky.nvidia.com to
  197. connect and display on bartok.nvidia.com's X server and configure
  198. schoenberg.nvidia.com's X server.
  199. Please see the xauth(1) and xhost(1) manpages, or refer to your Linux
  200. Distribution's documentation on remote X applications and security.
  201. You might also google for terms such as "remote X security" or "remote
  202. X Windows", and see documents such as the Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO:
  203. http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Remote-X-Apps.html
  204. Please also note that the remote X server to be controlled must
  205. be using the NVIDIA X driver.
  206. 8. Licensing
  207. The source code to nvidia-settings is released as GPL. The most
  208. recent official version of the source code is available here:
  209. ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/nvidia-settings/
  210. Note that nvidia-settings is simply an NV-CONTROL client. It uses
  211. the NV-CONTROL X extension to communicate with the NVIDIA X server
  212. to query current settings and make changes to settings.
  213. You can make additions directly to nvidia-settings, or write your
  214. own NV-CONTROL client, using nvidia-settings as an example.
  215. Documentation on the NV-CONTROL extension and additional sample
  216. clients are available in the nvidia-settings source tarball.
  217. Patches can be submitted to linux-bugs@nvidia.com.
  218. 9. TODO
  219. There are many things still to be added to nvidia-settings. Some of
  220. which include:
  221. - configurability of TwinView (NVIDIA is planning to implement this)
  222. - configurability of multiple X screens (NVIDIA is planning to
  223. implement this)
  224. - different toolkits? the GUI for nvidia-settings is cleanly
  225. abstracted from the backend of nvidia-settings that parses
  226. the configuration file and commandline, communicates with the X
  227. server, etc. If someone were so inclined, a different frontend
  228. GUI could be implemented.
  229. - write a design document explaining how nvidia-settings is
  230. architected; presumably this would make it easier for people to
  231. become familiar with the code base.
  232. If there are other things you would like to see added (or better yet,
  233. would like to add yourself), please contact linux-bugs@nvidia.com.

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