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DATE: March 4, 2017, 6:27 p.m.


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  84. <p class="wb-stl-normal">No need to install additional software and you are not limited by your device or operating system. </p>
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  86. <p class="wb-stl-normal">You can simply bookmark this page or set it as your homepage and you will always have your bitcoin essentials at your fingertips. </p>
  87. </div><div id="wb_element_instance9" class="wb_element" style=" line-height: normal;"><p class="wb-stl-normal"><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#ffffff">Most of the faucets listed on this site support Xapo payment. Simply enter your <a href="" target="_blank" title=""><span style="color:#ffffff;">xapo</span></a> email address and complete the captcha on each site to claim your free bitcoin.</font></p>
  88. <p class="wb-stl-normal"><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#ffffff">Direct paying faucets can be found in the Bonus Bitcoin, faucets section.</font></p>
  89. </div><div id="wb_element_instance10" class="wb_element" style=" line-height: normal;"><p class="wb-stl-normal"><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#ffffff">As bitcoin is an international currency, to maximise your claim earnings we also list faucet sites from other countries, these sites look similar to their English counterparts.</font></p>
  90. <p class="wb-stl-normal"><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#ffffff">Use Google chrome if you need automatic translation. </font></p>
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  93. </div><div id="wb_element_instance24" class="wb_element" style=" line-height: normal;"><p class="wb-stl-normal" style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Xapo Wallet!</strong></span></p>
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