Boost your workout results with forced reps

SUBMITTED BY: ccanadas

DATE: Dec. 29, 2021, 10:09 a.m.

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HITS: 546

  1. Boost your workout results with forced reps
  2. For those who don't know, forced reps are a high-intensity training technique used by bodybuilders in which one training partner helps another to perform some extra "forced" reps when he can no longer do any more reps on his own. .
  3. Forced reps are a popular method of increasing the intensity of any weight training program.
  4. But does this technique work? Do forced reps boost your workout results? A study carried out by Finns at the University of Jyväskylä may help to answer this question.
  5. The main objective of the study was to investigate acute neuromuscular and hormonal responses and recovery in bodybuilding athletes versus non-athletes during bodybuilding training performed with forced repetition and maximum repetition protocols.
  6. How the study was carried out:
  7. For the study in question, researchers recruited 8 male athletes with many years of weight training experience and 8 men who were physically active but not bodybuilding.
  8. The study consisted of two load sessions: maximum repetitions (MR) and forced repetitions (FR). The maximum rep session included 12 MR squats for 4 sets with a 2-minute recovery period between sets.
  9. In the forced reps session, the initial load was higher than in the RM so that the volunteers could lift approximately 8 reps on their own and 4 additional reps with assistance.
  10. Analyzes were performed before and after loading protocols to determine testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone and lactate levels.
  11. The maximum voluntary isometric strength and EMG activity of the extensor muscles of the legs (quadriceps) before and after loading were also recorded, as well as 24 and 48 hours after both protocols, in both groups.
  12. And the results:
  13. Measured hormone concentrations increased significantly after both protocols in both groups.
  14. Responses tended to be higher in the forced reps group than in the maximal reps group, and the increase in testosterone concentrations was significantly higher in both groups of experienced strength athletes.
  15. The investigators concluded:
  16. These data suggest that, at least in experienced bodybuilding athletes, the forced repetition protocol is a viable alternative to the more traditional maximum repetition protocol and may even be a superior method.
  17. Boost your workout results with forced reps
  18. Training with forced repetitions can provide more results, especially in more advanced bodybuilders.
  19. Conclusion
  20. From this study we can see that training with forced repetitions provides a more anabolic and positive hormonal environment. Interestingly, the hormonal increase provided by this technique is greater in athletes with more training experience.
  21. Performing more reps with assistance will help you lift more weight and achieve a higher total workout volume. This results in a difference in the amount of time your muscles are being stimulated and is essential to creating the best anabolic environment.
  22. In my opinion, special techniques to increase training intensity, such as forced repetitions, should only be used sporadically and preferably in muscle groups that respond less to training or that develop more slowly.

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