Carry out a data risk assessment

SUBMITTED BY: tanishqjaichand

DATE: Jan. 17, 2017, 8:31 a.m.

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  1. Carry out a data risk assessment
  2. You should undertake regular risk assessments to identify any potential dangers to your organisation’s data. This should review all the threats you can identify – everything from an online data breach to more physical threats such as power cuts. This will let you identify any weak points in the organisation’s current data security system, and from here you can formulate a plan of how to remedy this, and prioritise actions to reduce the risk of an expensive data breach.
  3. 5. Install trustworthy virus/malware protection software and run regular scans
  4. One of the most important measures for safeguarding data is also one of the most straightforward. Using active prevention and regular scans you can minimise the threat of a data leakage through hackers or malicious malware, and help ensure your data does not fall into the wrong hands. There is no single software that is absolutely flawless in keeping out cyber criminals, but good security software will go a long way to help keep your data secure.

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