Dual Revys


DATE: March 8, 2017, 10:13 a.m.

UPDATED: March 8, 2017, 10:15 a.m.


SIZE: 40.2 kB

HITS: 372

  1. wait();
  2. plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  3. char = plr.Character
  4. Humans = char:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  5. BulletTable,Disposables,Lasers = {},{},{}
  6. Clips,Bullets,CurrentGun = 999999999,999999,1
  7. Reloading,FlashLight,LaserLight,Silenced,ToolName,LaserColor,plr,char = false,false,false,false,"Cutlass's","Bright blue",game.Players.LocalPlayer,plr.Character
  8. V3,BC,CF = Vector3.new,BrickColor.new,CFrame
  9. for i,v in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do
  10. if v:IsA("Model") and v.Name == "MainModel" then
  11. v:Remove()
  12. end
  13. end
  14. for i,v in pairs(plr.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  15. if v.Name == ToolName then
  16. v:Remove()
  17. end
  18. end
  19. Bin = Instance.new("HopperBin",plr.Backpack)
  20. Bin.Name = ToolName
  21. MainModel,GunModelOne,GunModelTwo,SheathOne,SheathTwo = Instance.new("Model"),Instance.new("Model"),Instance.new("Model"),Instance.new("Model"),Instance.new("Model")
  22. MainModel.Name,GunModelOne.Name,GunModelTwo.Name,SheathOne.Name,SheathTwo.Name = "MainModel","GunModelOne","GunModelTwo","SheathOne","SheathTwo"
  23. MainModel.Parent,GunModelOne.Parent,GunModelTwo.Parent,SheathOne.Parent,SheathTwo.Parent = char,MainModel,MainModel,MainModel,MainModel
  24. L1,L2,L3,L4 = Instance.new("SpotLight"), Instance.new("SpotLight"), Instance.new("SpotLight"), Instance.new("SpotLight")
  25. L1.Enabled,L2.Enabled,L3.Enabled,L4.Enabled = false,false,false,false
  26. L1.Brightness,L2.Brightness,L3.Brightness,L4.Brightness = 60,60,40,40
  27. L1.Range,L2.Range,L3.Range,L4.Range = 25,25,40,40
  28. L1.Color,L2.Color,L3.Color,L4.Color = BrickColor.new("Neon orange").Color,BrickColor.new("Neon orange").Color,BrickColor.new("White").Color,BrickColor.new("White").Color
  29. L3.Name,L4.Name = "Safe","Safe"
  30. script.Parent = MainModel
  31. function AddPart(name,parent,s1,s2,s3,color)
  32. p=Instance.new("Part",parent)
  33. p.Name=name
  34. p.formFactor="Custom"
  35. p.Anchored=false
  36. p.Locked=true
  37. p.CanCollide=false
  38. p.Size=Vector3.new(s1,s2,s3)
  39. p.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  40. p.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  41. p.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(color)
  42. Instance.new("BlockMesh",p).Name = "Mesh"
  43. p:BreakJoints()
  44. return p
  45. end
  46. function AddWeld(name,parent,p1,p0,c1,c0)
  47. we=Instance.new("Weld",parent)
  48. we.Part1=p1
  49. we.Part0=p0
  50. we.C1=c0
  51. we.C0=c1
  52. return we
  53. end
  54. --Gets a bit confusing down below :3
  55. HandleOne,HandleTwo = AddPart("HandleLeft",GunModelOne,.02,1,.4,"Dark stone grey"),AddPart("HandleLeft",GunModelTwo,.02,1,.4,"Dark stone grey")
  56. HandleWeldLeft,HandleWeldRight = AddWeld("Weld",HandleOne,HandleOne,char["Torso"],CF.new(-1,0,-1),CF.Angles(math.rad(45),math.rad(180),0)),AddWeld("Weld",HandleTwo,HandleTwo,char["Torso"],CF.new(1,0,-1),CF.Angles(math.rad(45),math.rad(180),0))
  57. HandLeft = AddPart("HandLeft",MainModel,1,1,1,"Dark stone grey")
  58. HandRight = AddPart("HandRight",MainModel,1,1,1,"Dark stone grey")
  59. HandLeft.Transparency,HandRight.Transparency = 1,1
  60. AddWeld("Weld",HandLeft,HandLeft,char["Left Arm"],CF.new(0,-1,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  61. AddWeld("Weld",HandRight,HandRight,char["Right Arm"],CF.new(0,-1,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  62. PA1 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,1,"Dark stone grey")
  63. PA1.Mesh.Scale = V3(1,.6,1)
  64. WPA1 = AddWeld("Weld",PA1,PA1,HandleOne,CF.new(0,0.5,-.3),CF.new(0,0,0))
  65. PA2 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.5,.1,"Medium stone grey")
  66. PA2.Mesh:Remove()
  67. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA2).Scale = V3(.5,1,.5)
  68. WPA2 = AddWeld("Weld",PA2,PA2,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.6,-.9),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  69. PA3 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,1.3,.1,"Medium stone grey")
  70. PA3.Mesh:Remove()
  71. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA3).Scale = V3(.7,1,.8)
  72. WPA3 = AddWeld("Weld",PA3,PA3,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.75,-.6),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  73. PA4 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,1.2,"Dark stone grey")
  74. PA4.Mesh.Scale = V3(1,1,1)
  75. WPA4 = AddWeld("Weld",PA4,PA4,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.65,-.5),CF.new(0,0,0))
  76. PA5 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  77. PA5.Mesh:Remove()
  78. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA5).Scale = V3(1,1,1)
  79. WPA5 = AddWeld("Weld",PA5,PA5,PA4,CF.new(0,0.1,-0.5),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  80. PA6 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.5,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  81. PA6.Mesh:Remove()
  82. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA6).Scale = V3(1,1,1)
  83. WPA6 = AddWeld("Weld",PA6,PA6,PA4,CF.new(0,0.1,0.35),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  84. PA7 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.1,.5,"Black")
  85. PA7.Mesh:Remove()
  86. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA7).Scale = V3(.9,.9,1)
  87. WPA7 = AddWeld("Weld",PA7,PA7,PA3,CF.new(0,-0.31,0),CF.Angles(0,0,0))
  88. BamOne = Instance.new("Sound",PA7)
  89. BamOne.Pitch,BamOne.Volume,BamOne.SoundId = 1.4,.5,"rbxassetid://2920959"
  90. PA8 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,.25,"Dark stone grey")
  91. PA8.Mesh:Remove()
  92. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA8)
  93. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  94. sm.Scale = V3(.38,.6,1)
  95. WPA8 = AddWeld("Weld",PA8,PA8,PA6,CF.new(0.1,-.3,-0.07),CF.Angles(math.rad(180),0,0))
  96. PA9 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,.25,"Dark stone grey")
  97. PA9.Mesh:Remove()
  98. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA9)
  99. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  100. sm.Scale = V3(.35,.6,1)
  101. WPA9 = AddWeld("Weld",PA9,PA9,PA6,CF.new(-0.1,-.3,-0.07),CF.Angles(math.rad(180),0,0))
  102. PA10 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,.25,"Dark stone grey")
  103. PA10.Mesh:Remove()
  104. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA10)
  105. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  106. sm.Scale = V3(.35,.6,1)
  107. WPA10 = AddWeld("Weld",PA10,PA10,PA6,CF.new(0,-.34,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(100),0,0))
  108. PA11 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.3,.1,"Dark stone grey")
  109. PA11.Mesh:Remove()
  110. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA11)
  111. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  112. sm.Scale = V3(.5,1,.5)
  113. WPA11 = AddWeld("Weld",PA11,PA11,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.25,-.35),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  114. PA12 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  115. PA12.Mesh:Remove()
  116. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA12)
  117. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  118. sm.Scale = V3(.5,.5,.5)
  119. WPA12 = AddWeld("Weld",PA12,PA12,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.37,-.55),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  120. PA13 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  121. PA13.Mesh:Remove()
  122. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA13)
  123. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  124. sm.Scale = V3(.5,.5,.5)
  125. WPA13 = AddWeld("Weld",PA13,PA13,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.37,-.45),CF.Angles(math.rad(270),0,0))
  126. PA14 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  127. PA14.Mesh:Remove()
  128. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA14)
  129. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  130. sm.Scale = V3(.5,.5,.5)
  131. WPA14 = AddWeld("Weld",PA14,PA14,HandleOne,CF.new(0,.4,-.3),CF.Angles(math.rad(55),0,0))
  132. PA15 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.3,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  133. PA15.Mesh:Remove()
  134. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA15)
  135. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  136. sm.Scale = V3(1,1,.25)
  137. WPA15 = AddWeld("Weld",PA15,PA15,HandleOne,CF.new(0,-0.35,-.23),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  138. PA16 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.02,1,.3,"Lime green")
  139. PA16.Mesh.Scale = V3(1.1,.9,1)
  140. WPA16 = AddWeld("Weld",PA16,PA16,HandleOne,CF.new(0,0,0),CF.new(0,0,0))
  141. PA17 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.3,.3,"Lime green")
  142. PA17.Mesh:Remove()
  143. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PA17)
  144. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  145. sm.Scale = V3(1.1,1,.25)
  146. WPA17 = AddWeld("Weld",PA17,PA17,PA15,CF.new(0,0.05,0.05),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  147. PA18 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.3,.1,"White")
  148. PA18.Mesh:Remove()
  149. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA18).Scale = V3(.5,.8,.5)
  150. WPA18 = AddWeld("Weld",PA18,PA18,HandleOne,CF.new(0,0.2,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(90),0))
  151. PA19 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.3,.1,"Really black")
  152. PA19.Mesh:Remove()
  153. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA19).Scale = V3(.5,1,.5)
  154. WPA19 = AddWeld("Weld",PA19,PA19,PA3,CF.new(0,0.51,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),0))
  155. PA20 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.3,.1,"Really black")
  156. PA20.Mesh:Remove()
  157. PA20.Transparency = 1
  158. L2.Parent = PA20
  159. L3.Parent = PA20
  160. WPA20 = AddWeld("Weld",PA20,PA20,PA3,CF.new(0,0.6,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(261),0,0))
  161. PA21 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.25,.1,"Black")
  162. WPA21 = AddWeld("Weld",PA21,PA21,PA3,CF.new(0,0.1,-0.35),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  163. PA22 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.35,.3,"Black")
  164. WPA22 = AddWeld("Weld",PA21,PA21,PA22,CF.new(0,0,0.2),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  165. PA23 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.35,.1,"White")
  166. PA23.Mesh:Remove()
  167. PA23.Transparency = 0.4
  168. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA23).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  169. WPA23 = AddWeld("Weld",PA22,PA22,PA23,CF.new(0,-0.03,0.05),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  170. PA24 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.35,.1,"Really red")
  171. PA24.Mesh:Remove()
  172. PA24.Transparency = 1
  173. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA24).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  174. WPA24 = AddWeld("Weld",PA22,PA22,PA24,CF.new(0,-0.03,-0.06),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  175. PA26 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.35,.1,LaserColor)
  176. PA26.Mesh:Remove()
  177. PA26.Transparency = 0.4
  178. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA26).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  179. WPA26 = AddWeld("Weld",PA22,PA22,PA26,CF.new(0,-0.03,-0.06),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  180. --Gun 2 Below
  181. PB1 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.3,.1,1,"Dark stone grey")
  182. PB1.Mesh.Scale = V3(1,.6,1)
  183. WPB1 = AddWeld("Weld",PB1,PB1,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,0.5,-.3),CF.new(0,0,0))
  184. PB2 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.5,.1,"Medium stone grey")
  185. PB2.Mesh:Remove()
  186. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB2).Scale = V3(.5,1,.5)
  187. WPB2 = AddWeld("Weld",PB2,PB2,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.6,-.9),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  188. PB3 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,1.3,.1,"Medium stone grey")
  189. PB3.Mesh:Remove()
  190. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB3).Scale = V3(.7,1,.8)
  191. WPB3 = AddWeld("Weld",PB3,PB3,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.75,-.6),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  192. PB4 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.3,.1,1.2,"Dark stone grey")
  193. PB4.Mesh.Scale = V3(1,1,1)
  194. WPB4 = AddWeld("Weld",PB4,PB4,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.65,-.5),CF.new(0,0,0))
  195. PB5 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.3,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  196. PB5.Mesh:Remove()
  197. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB5).Scale = V3(1,1,1)
  198. WPB5 = AddWeld("Weld",PB5,PB5,PB4,CF.new(0,0.1,-0.5),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  199. PB6 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.3,.5,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  200. PB6.Mesh:Remove()
  201. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB6).Scale = V3(1,1,1)
  202. WPB6 = AddWeld("Weld",PB6,PB6,PB4,CF.new(0,0.1,0.35),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  203. PB7 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.1,.5,"Black")
  204. PB7.Mesh:Remove()
  205. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB7).Scale = V3(.9,.9,1)
  206. WPB7 = AddWeld("Weld",PB7,PB7,PB3,CF.new(0,-0.31,0),CF.Angles(0,0,0))
  207. BamTwo = Instance.new("Sound",PB7)
  208. BamTwo.Pitch,BamTwo.Volume,BamTwo.SoundId = 1.4,.5,"rbxassetid://2920959"
  209. PB8 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.3,.1,.25,"Dark stone grey")
  210. PB8.Mesh:Remove()
  211. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB8)
  212. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  213. sm.Scale = V3(.38,.6,1)
  214. WPB8 = AddWeld("Weld",PB8,PB8,PB6,CF.new(0.1,-.3,-0.07),CF.Angles(math.rad(180),0,0))
  215. PB9 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.3,.1,.25,"Dark stone grey")
  216. PB9.Mesh:Remove()
  217. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB9)
  218. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  219. sm.Scale = V3(.35,.6,1)
  220. WPB9 = AddWeld("Weld",PB9,PB9,PB6,CF.new(-0.1,-.3,-0.07),CF.Angles(math.rad(180),0,0))
  221. PB10 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.3,.1,.25,"Dark stone grey")
  222. PB10.Mesh:Remove()
  223. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB10)
  224. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  225. sm.Scale = V3(.35,.6,1)
  226. WPB10 = AddWeld("Weld",PB10,PB10,PB6,CF.new(0,-.34,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(100),0,0))
  227. PB11 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.3,.1,"Dark stone grey")
  228. PB11.Mesh:Remove()
  229. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB11)
  230. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  231. sm.Scale = V3(.5,1,.5)
  232. WPB11 = AddWeld("Weld",PB11,PB11,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.25,-.35),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  233. PB12 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  234. PB12.Mesh:Remove()
  235. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB12)
  236. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  237. sm.Scale = V3(.5,.5,.5)
  238. WPB12 = AddWeld("Weld",PB12,PB12,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.37,-.55),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  239. PB13 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  240. PB13.Mesh:Remove()
  241. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB13)
  242. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  243. sm.Scale = V3(.5,.5,.5)
  244. WPB13 = AddWeld("Weld",PB13,PB13,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.37,-.45),CF.Angles(math.rad(270),0,0))
  245. PB14 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.1,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  246. PB14.Mesh:Remove()
  247. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB14)
  248. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  249. sm.Scale = V3(.5,.5,.5)
  250. WPB14 = AddWeld("Weld",PB14,PB14,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,.4,-.3),CF.Angles(math.rad(55),0,0))
  251. PB15 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.3,.3,"Dark stone grey")
  252. PB15.Mesh:Remove()
  253. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB15)
  254. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  255. sm.Scale = V3(1,1,.25)
  256. WPB15 = AddWeld("Weld",PB15,PB15,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,-0.35,-.23),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  257. PB16 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.02,1,.3,"Lime green")
  258. PB16.Mesh.Scale = V3(1.1,.9,1)
  259. WPB16 = AddWeld("Weld",PB16,PB16,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,0,0),CF.new(0,0,0))
  260. PB17 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.3,.3,"Lime green")
  261. PB17.Mesh:Remove()
  262. sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",PB17)
  263. sm.MeshType = "Wedge"
  264. sm.Scale = V3(1.1,1,.25)
  265. WPB17 = AddWeld("Weld",PB17,PB17,PB15,CF.new(0,0.05,0.05),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  266. PB18 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.3,.1,"White")
  267. PB18.Mesh:Remove()
  268. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB18).Scale = V3(.5,.8,.5)
  269. WPB18 = AddWeld("Weld",PB18,PB18,HandleTwo,CF.new(0,0.2,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(90),0))
  270. PB19 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.3,.1,"Really black")
  271. PB19.Mesh:Remove()
  272. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB19).Scale = V3(.5,1,.5)
  273. WPB19 = AddWeld("Weld",PB19,PB19,PB3,CF.new(0,0.51,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),0))
  274. PB20 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.3,.1,"Really black")
  275. PB20.Mesh:Remove()
  276. PB20.Transparency = 1
  277. L1.Parent = PB20
  278. L4.Parent = PB20
  279. WPB20 = AddWeld("Weld",PB20,PB20,PB3,CF.new(0,0.6,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(261),0,0))
  280. PB21 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.25,.1,"Black")
  281. WPB21 = AddWeld("Weld",PB21,PB21,PB3,CF.new(0,0.1,-0.35),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  282. PB22 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.35,.3,"Black")
  283. WPB22 = AddWeld("Weld",PB21,PB21,PB22,CF.new(0,0,0.2),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  284. PB23 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.35,.1,"White")
  285. PB23.Mesh:Remove()
  286. PB23.Transparency = 0.4
  287. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB23).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  288. WPB23 = AddWeld("Weld",PB22,PB22,PB23,CF.new(0,-0.03,0.05),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  289. PB24 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.35,.1,"White")
  290. PB24.Mesh:Remove()
  291. PB24.Transparency = 0.4
  292. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB24).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  293. WPB24 = AddWeld("Weld",PB22,PB22,PB24,CF.new(0,-0.03,-0.06),CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0))
  294. PB26 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.35,.1,LaserColor)
  295. PB26.Mesh:Remove()
  296. PB26.Transparency = 0.4
  297. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB26).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  298. WPB26 = AddWeld("Weld",PB22,PB22,PB26,CF.new(0,-0.03,-0.06),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  299. --End Of gun creation.
  300. --Holder's Creation
  301. PC1 = AddPart("Part",SheathOne,.5,1.5,.7,"Brown")
  302. WPC1 = AddWeld("Weld",PC1,PC1,char.Torso,CF.new(-1,0,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(45),0,0))
  303. --Holder Two
  304. PD1 = AddPart("Part",SheathTwo,.5,1.5,.7,"Brown")
  305. WPD1 = AddWeld("Weld",PD1,PD1,char.Torso,CF.new(1,0,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(45),0,0))
  306. --End Of Holders
  307. --Extras
  308. PE1 = AddPart("Part",MainModel,2.1,.5,1.1,"Brown")
  309. WPE1 = AddWeld("Weld",PE1,PE1,char.Torso,CF.new(0,-0.8,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  310. PE2 = AddPart("Part",MainModel,.8,.8,.7,"Brown")
  311. WPE2 = AddWeld("Weld",PE2,PE2,PE1,CF.new(0.4,-0.13,.9),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  312. PE3 = AddPart("Part",MainModel,.75,.8,.65,"Really black")
  313. WPE3 = AddWeld("Weld",PE3,PE3,PE2,CF.new(0,0.02,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  314. PE4 = AddPart("Part",MainModel,2.2,.25,1.2,"Dark stone grey")
  315. WPE4 = AddWeld("Weld",PE4,PE4,PE1,CF.new(0,0,0),CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0))
  316. ch,player = char,plr
  317. RW,LW,HW,RLG,LLG = Instance.new("Motor"),Instance.new("Motor"),Instance.new("Motor"),Instance.new("Motor"),Instance.new("Motor")
  318. RSH, LSH, NCK, LG2, LG1 = ch.Torso["Right Shoulder"], ch.Torso["Left Shoulder"], ch.Torso["Neck"], ch.Torso["Right Hip"], ch.Torso["Left Hip"]
  319. RW.C0,RW.C1,RW.Parent,RW.Part0 = CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0),CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0),MainModel,ch.Torso
  320. LW.C0,LW.C1,LW.Parent,LW.Part0 = CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0),CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0),MainModel,ch.Torso
  321. HW.C1,HW.Parent,HW.Part0 = CFrame.new(0,-.7,0),MainModel,ch.Torso
  322. RLG.C1,RLG.Part0,RLG.Parent = CFrame.new(-.5,2,0),ch.Torso,MainModel
  323. LLG.C1,LLG.Part0,LLG.Parent = CFrame.new(.5,2,0),ch.Torso,MainModel
  324. function RWFunc()
  325. RW.Part1 = ch["Right Arm"]
  326. RSH.Part1 = nil
  327. end
  328. function LWFunc()
  329. LW.Part1 = ch["Left Arm"]
  330. LSH.Part1 = nil
  331. end
  332. function RWRem()
  333. RW.Part1 = nil
  334. RSH.Part1 = ch["Right Arm"]
  335. end
  336. function LWRem()
  337. LW.Part1 = nil
  338. LSH.Part1 = ch["Left Arm"]
  339. end
  340. function HWFunc()
  341. NCK.Part1 = nil
  342. HW.Part1 = ch.Head
  343. end
  344. function HWRem()
  345. NCK.Part1 = ch.Head
  346. HW.Part1 = nil
  347. end
  348. function Leg1Func()
  349. l1=ch["Left Leg"]
  350. l1.Name = "Left Legg"
  351. l1.CanCollide = true
  352. LG1.Part1 = nil
  353. LLG.Part1 = l1
  354. end
  355. function Leg2Func()
  356. l2=ch["Right Leg"]
  357. l2.Name = "Right Legg"
  358. l2.CanCollide = true
  359. LG2.Part1 = nil
  360. RLG.Part1 = l2
  361. end
  362. function Leg1Rem()
  363. l1=ch["Left Legg"]
  364. l1.Name = "Left Leg"
  365. l1.CanCollide = false
  366. LG1.Part1 = l1
  367. LLG.Part1 = nil
  368. end
  369. function Leg2Rem()
  370. l2=ch["Right Legg"]
  371. l2.Name = "Right Leg"
  372. l2.CanCollide = false
  373. LG2.Part1 = l2
  374. RLG.Part1 = nil
  375. end
  376. function Unequip()
  377. RWRem()
  378. LWRem()
  379. HWRem()
  380. HandleWeldLeft.Part0 = char.Torso
  381. HandleWeldRight.Part0 = char.Torso
  382. HandleWeldLeft.C0 = CF.Angles(math.rad(45),math.rad(180),0)
  383. HandleWeldLeft.C1 = CF.new(-1,.6,-.7)
  384. HandleWeldRight.C0 = CF.Angles(math.rad(45),math.rad(180),0)
  385. HandleWeldRight.C1 = CF.new(1,.6,-.7)
  386. pcall(function() char.Torso.TurnGyro:Remove() end)
  387. end
  388. Unequip()
  389. function Equip()
  390. HandleWeldLeft.C0 = CF.Angles(0,0,0)
  391. HandleWeldLeft.C1 = CF.new(0,0,0)
  392. HandleWeldRight.C0 = CF.Angles(0,0,0)
  393. HandleWeldRight.C1 = CF.new(0,0,0)
  394. HandleWeldRight.Part0 = HandRight
  395. HandleWeldLeft.Part0 = HandLeft
  396. RWFunc()
  397. LWFunc()
  398. HWFunc()
  399. end
  400. function CreateBullet(Part)
  401. Bullet = Instance.new("Part",char.Torso)
  402. Bullet.Name = "Bullet"
  403. Bullet.formFactor = "Custom"
  404. Bullet.CanCollide = false
  405. Bullet.Anchored = true
  406. Bullet.Size = V3(.2,.2,0.7)
  407. Bullet.CFrame = Part.CFrame * CF.Angles(270,0,0)
  408. Bullet.Anchored = true
  409. Bullet.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Brown")
  410. Bullet.Reflectance = 0.3
  411. Bullet:BreakJoints()
  412. --M = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",Bullet)
  413. --M.MeshType = "Sphere"
  414. table.insert(BulletTable,Bullet)
  415. game.Debris:AddItem(Bullet,10)
  416. end
  417. function DisplayDamage(dmg,head)
  418. if head and dmg then
  419. local Model = Instance.new("Model")
  420. local Part = Instance.new("Part",Model)
  421. local Human = Instance.new("Humanoid")
  422. Instance.new("BlockMesh",Part)
  423. --
  424. Model.Name = tostring(dmg)
  425. Human.Parent = Model
  426. Human.MaxHealth = 0
  427. Human.Health = 0
  428. Part.formFactor = "Custom"
  429. Part.Size = Vector3.new(0.8,0.3,0.8)
  430. Part.CanCollide=false
  431. Part.CFrame = CFrame.new(head.Position) * CFrame.new(0, 3, 0)
  432. Part.Name = "Head"
  433. if Model.Name:find("Critical") then
  434. Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright yellow")
  435. else
  436. Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red")
  437. end
  438. local bp = Instance.new("BodyPosition")
  439. bp.P = 14000
  440. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  441. bp.position = head.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(1,6), math.random(5,7), math.random(1,6))
  442. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  443. wait()
  444. Model.Parent = workspace
  445. bp.Parent = Part
  446. wait(1.4)
  447. Model:remove()
  448. end))
  449. end
  450. end
  451. function UnCrouch()
  452. Leg1Rem()
  453. Leg2Rem()
  454. end
  455. function Crouch()
  456. Leg2Func()
  457. Leg1Func()
  458. LLG.C1 = CF.new(.5,.5,1.5) * CF.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0)
  459. RLG.C1 = CF.new(-.5,1,1) * CF.Angles(math.rad(0),0,0)
  460. end
  461. function DoReload()
  462. if Reloading then return end
  463. pcall(function()
  464. gui = plr.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Ammo")
  465. for i,v in pairs(gui:GetChildren()) do
  466. if v.Name == "Reload Gun" then
  467. v:Remove()
  468. end
  469. end
  470. end)
  471. Reloading = true
  472. Clips = Clips - 1
  473. wait(.1)
  474. EmptiedClip(HandleOne)
  475. EmptiedClip(HandleTwo)
  476. ReloadAnim()
  477. Reloading = false
  478. end
  479. function Flash(Part)
  480. for i,v in pairs(Part:GetChildren()) do
  481. if v:IsA("SpotLight") and v.Name ~= "Safe" then
  482. v.Enabled = true
  483. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  484. wait(0.1)
  485. v.Enabled = false
  486. end))
  487. end
  488. end
  489. end
  490. function EmptiedClip(part)
  491. EmptyClip = Instance.new("Part",MainModel)
  492. EmptyClip.Name = "EmtpyClip"
  493. EmptyClip.formFactor = "Custom"
  494. EmptyClip.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Medium stone grey")
  495. EmptyClip.CanCollide = true
  496. EmptyClip.Reflectance = .1
  497. EmptyClip.Size = part.Size - Vector3.new(0.1,0.1,0.1)
  498. EmptyClip.CFrame = part.CFrame * CF.Angles(0,0,0)
  499. EmptyClip:BreakJoints()
  500. game.Debris:AddItem(EmptyClip,6)
  501. Instance.new("BlockMesh",EmptyClip)
  502. end
  503. function WarnLow()
  504. pg = plr.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Ammo")
  505. if pg then
  506. Warn = Instance.new("TextLabel",pg)
  507. Warn.Name = "Reload Gun"
  508. Warn.Font = "ArialBold"
  509. Warn.FontSize = "Size24"
  510. Warn.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0)
  511. Warn.Text = "Reload (r)"
  512. Warn.TextColor3 = BrickColor.new("Bright red").Color
  513. game.Debris:AddItem(Warn,2)
  514. end
  515. end
  516. function AddShell(Part)
  517. Shell = Instance.new("Part",MainModel)
  518. Shell.Name = "Shell"
  519. Shell.formFactor = "Custom"
  520. Shell.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lime green")
  521. Shell.CanCollide = true
  522. Shell.Size = V3(.1,.35,.1)
  523. Shell.CFrame = Part.CFrame
  524. Shell:BreakJoints()
  525. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",Shell)
  526. game.Debris:AddItem(Shell,5)
  527. end
  528. function RemoveLS()
  529. god,err = ypcall(function()
  530. for i,v in pairs(Lasers) do
  531. pcall(function()
  532. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  533. pcall(function()
  534. v:Remove()
  535. end)
  536. elseif type(v) == "userdata" then
  537. pcall(function()
  538. v:disconnect()
  539. end)
  540. end
  541. end)
  542. end
  543. end)
  544. if err then print(err) end
  545. Lasers = {}
  546. end
  547. function lerp(a,b,c)
  548. return a+(b-a)*c
  549. end
  550. function AnimLerp(c1,c2,al)
  551. local com1 = {c1.X,c1.Y,c1.Z,c1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()}local com2 = {c2.X,c2.Y,c2.Z,c2:toEulerAnglesXYZ()}
  552. for i,v in pairs(com1) do com1[i] = lerp(v,com2[i],al) end
  553. return CFrame.new(com1[1],com1[2],com1[3]) * CFrame.Angles(select(4,unpack(com1)))
  554. end
  555. function ReloadAnim()
  556. OldCf = RW.C0
  557. OldCf2 = LW.C0
  558. OldCf3 = HW.C0
  559. --[[
  560. HW.C0 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, .8, 0), point * Vector3.new(1, 1, (point.Z >= 0 and 0 or 1)))
  561. ]]--
  562. pcall(function()
  563. Hman = plr.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  564. OldWalk = Hman.WalkSpeed
  565. Hman.WalkSpeed = Hman.WalkSpeed/2
  566. end)
  567. for i,v in pairs(char.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  568. if v:IsA("BodyGyro") then
  569. v:Remove()
  570. end
  571. end
  572. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  573. wait(0.02)
  574. LW.C0 = AnimLerp(LW.C0,CFrame.new(-1.2,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(0)),0.2)
  575. HW.C0 = AnimLerp(HW.C0,CFrame.new(0,.8,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),0,0),0.2)
  576. end
  577. for i=0,1,0.05 do
  578. wait()
  579. RW.C0 = AnimLerp(RW.C0,CFrame.new(1,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(-60)),0.2)
  580. HW.C0 = AnimLerp(HW.C0,CFrame.new(0,.8,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),math.rad(20),0),0.2)
  581. end
  582. for i=0,1,0.05 do
  583. wait()
  584. RW.C0 = AnimLerp(RW.C0,CFrame.new(1,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90 - 20),0,math.rad(-60)),0.2)
  585. end
  586. for i=0,1,0.05 do
  587. wait()
  588. RW.C0 = AnimLerp(RW.C0,CFrame.new(1,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(70 + 20),0,math.rad(-60)),0.2)
  589. end
  590. WPA4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,0)
  591. for i=0,1,0.05 do
  592. wait()
  593. RW.C0 = AnimLerp(RW.C0,CFrame.new(1.2,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(0)),0.2)
  594. end
  595. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  596. wait(0.02)
  597. LW.C0 = AnimLerp(LW.C0,CFrame.new(-1,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(60)),0.2)
  598. HW.C0 = AnimLerp(HW.C0,CFrame.new(0,.8,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10),math.rad(-20),0),0.2)
  599. end
  600. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  601. wait(0.02)
  602. LW.C0 = AnimLerp(LW.C0,CFrame.new(-1,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90 - 20),0,math.rad(60)),0.2)
  603. end
  604. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  605. wait(0.02)
  606. LW.C0 = AnimLerp(LW.C0,CFrame.new(-1,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(70 + 20),0,math.rad(60)),0.2)
  607. end
  608. WPB4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,0)
  609. Bullets = 16
  610. UpdateBullets()
  611. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  612. wait(0.02)
  613. LW.C0 = AnimLerp(LW.C0,OldCf2,0.2)
  614. RW.C0 = AnimLerp(RW.C0,OldCf,0.2)
  615. HW.C0 = AnimLerp(HW.C0,OldCf3,0.2)
  616. end
  617. pcall(function()
  618. Hman = plr.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  619. Hman.WalkSpeed = OldWalk
  620. end)
  621. end
  622. Bin.Selected:connect(function(mouse)
  623. function MLS()
  624. PB25 = AddPart("Part",GunModelTwo,.1,.35,.1,LaserColor)
  625. PB25.Mesh:Remove()
  626. PB25.Anchored = true
  627. PB25.Transparency = 0.4
  628. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PB25).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  629. PA25 = AddPart("Part",GunModelOne,.1,.35,.1,LaserColor)
  630. PA25.Mesh:Remove()
  631. PA25.Transparency = 0.4
  632. PA25.Anchored = true
  633. Instance.new("CylinderMesh",PA25).Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,1,0.5)
  634. Delay(0,function()
  635. con = game:service("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  636. if LaserLight and PA25 and PB25 then
  637. --Below PA LEFT Laser
  638. local cf = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,0,0),PA24.CFrame.lookVector)
  639. ray1 = Ray.new(PA24.CFrame.p,cf.lookVector*300)
  640. hit,position = game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(ray1, char)
  641. dist = (position - PA24.CFrame.p).magnitude
  642. PA25.Size = Vector3.new(PA24.Size.X,dist,PA24.Size.Z)
  643. PA25.CFrame = CFrame.new((position+PA24.CFrame.p)/2, PA24.CFrame.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(270),0,0)
  644. --Now PB RIGHT Laser
  645. local cf = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,0,0),PB24.CFrame.lookVector)
  646. ray1 = Ray.new(PB24.CFrame.p,cf.lookVector*300)
  647. hit,position = game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(ray1, char)
  648. dist = (position - PB24.CFrame.p).magnitude
  649. PB25.Size = Vector3.new(PB24.Size.X,dist,PB24.Size.Z)
  650. PB25.CFrame = CFrame.new((position+PB24.CFrame.p)/2, PB24.CFrame.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(270),0,0)
  651. end
  652. end)
  653. end)
  654. table.insert(Lasers,con)
  655. table.insert(Lasers,PA25)
  656. table.insert(Lasers,PB25)
  657. end
  658. if LaserLight then
  659. MLS()
  660. end
  661. function AddBody()
  662. Body = Instance.new("BodyGyro",char["Torso"])
  663. Body.P = 200000
  664. Body.maxTorque = V3(1,1,1)/0
  665. return Body
  666. end
  667. Debug = true
  668. Equip()
  669. Gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui",plr.PlayerGui)
  670. Gui.Name = "Ammo"
  671. Frame = Instance.new("Frame",Gui)
  672. Frame.Name = "MainFrame"
  673. Frame.Size = UDim2.new(.15,0,.1,0)
  674. Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.85,0,0.75,0)
  675. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.2
  676. Frame.BackgroundColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  677. Frame.Active = true
  678. Frame.Draggable = true
  679. Dis = Instance.new("TextLabel",Frame)
  680. Dis.Name = "Real Numbers"
  681. Dis.Font = "ArialBold"
  682. Dis.FontSize = "Size24"
  683. Dis.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0)
  684. Dis.TextColor3 = BrickColor.new("White").Color
  685. Dis.Text = Bullets.."/"..Clips
  686. Cred = Instance.new("TextLabel",Frame)
  687. Cred.Name = "Credz"
  688. Cred.Font = "ArialBold"
  689. Cred.FontSize = "Size12"
  690. Cred.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.05,0)
  691. Cred.Text = "Ma".."de B".."y"..": ".."Fr".."o".."st".."ftw"
  692. Cred.TextColor3 = BrickColor.new("White").Color
  693. function UpdateBullets()
  694. Dis.Text = Bullets.."/"..Clips
  695. end
  696. Delay(0,function()
  697. torso = char["Torso"]
  698. mouse.Move:connect(function()
  699. if Reloading then
  700. return
  701. end
  702. Body = char.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyGyro") or AddBody()
  703. x = math.pi/2
  704. Left = false
  705. Right = false
  706. local point = torso.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(mouse.Hit.p)
  707. RW.C0 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.2, .5, 0), point * Vector3.new(1, 1, (point.Z >= 0 and 0 or 1))) * CFrame.Angles(x,0,0)
  708. LW.C0 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.2, .5, 0), point * Vector3.new(1, 1, (point.Z >= 0 and 0 or 1))) * CFrame.Angles(x,0,0)
  709. HW.C0 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, .8, 0), point * Vector3.new(1, 1, (point.Z >= 0 and 0 or 1)))
  710. if point.Z > -5 then
  711. if point.X > 0 then
  712. Left = true
  713. elseif point.X < 0 then
  714. Right = true
  715. end
  716. end
  717. if Right then
  718. Body.cframe = torso.cFrame * CF.Angles(0,math.rad(15),math.rad(0))
  719. elseif Left then
  720. Body.cframe = torso.CFrame * CF.Angles(0,math.rad(-15),math.rad(0))
  721. else
  722. Body.cframe = torso.CFrame
  723. end
  724. end)
  725. end)
  726. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key)
  727. if Key == "c" then
  728. if Debug == true then
  729. Crouch()
  730. Debug = false
  731. elseif Debug == false then
  732. UnCrouch()
  733. Debug = true
  734. end
  735. elseif Key == "l" then
  736. if LaserLight then
  737. LaserLight = false
  738. RemoveLS()
  739. elseif not LaserLight then
  740. LaserLight = true
  741. MLS()
  742. end
  743. elseif Key == "r" then
  744. DoReload()
  745. elseif Key == "f" then
  746. if FlashLight == true then
  747. FlashLight = false
  748. L3.Enabled = false
  749. L4.Enabled = false
  750. elseif FlashLight == false then
  751. FlashLight = true
  752. L3.Enabled = true
  753. L4.Enabled = true
  754. end
  755. end
  756. end)
  757. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function()
  758. end)
  759. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  760. if Reloading then return end
  761. if Clips < 1 and Bullets < 1 then
  762. return
  763. end
  764. if Bullets == 0 or Bullets < 0 then
  765. WarnLow()
  766. WPA4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,-.2)
  767. WPB4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,-.2)
  768. return
  769. end
  770. Bullets = Bullets - 1
  771. UpdateBullets()
  772. if CurrentGun == 1 then
  773. CurrentGun = 2
  774. WPA4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,-.2)
  775. ShotLeft = true
  776. BamOne:Play()
  777. Flash(PA20)
  778. CreateBullet(PA20)
  779. AddShell(PA7)
  780. wait(.2)
  781. WPA4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,0)
  782. elseif CurrentGun == 2 then
  783. CurrentGun = 1
  784. ShotRight = true
  785. WPB4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,-.2)
  786. BamTwo:Play()
  787. Flash(PB20)
  788. CreateBullet(PB20)
  789. AddShell(PB7)
  790. wait(.2)
  791. WPB4.C1 = CF.new(0,0,0)
  792. end
  793. end)
  794. end)
  795. Bin.Deselected:connect(function(mouse)
  796. Unequip()
  797. RemoveLS()
  798. L3.Enabled = false
  799. L4.Enabled = false
  800. FlashLight = false
  801. pcall(function()
  802. UnCrouch()
  803. end)
  804. for i,v in pairs(char.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  805. if v:IsA("BodyGyro") then
  806. v:Remove()
  807. end
  808. end
  809. for i=1,5 do
  810. pcall(function() plr.PlayerGui["Ammo"]:Remove() end)
  811. end
  812. end)
  813. Delay(0,function()
  814. BulletSpeed = 99
  815. Twirl = 0.2
  816. game:service("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  817. for i,v in pairs(BulletTable) do
  818. pcall(function()
  819. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  820. ray = Ray.new(v.Position, v.CFrame.lookVector*(0.5+BulletSpeed))
  821. v.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,-BulletSpeed) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,-Twirl)
  822. local Hit,Var = workspace:findPartOnRay(ray, char)
  823. function RemoveBullet()
  824. v:Remove()
  825. table.remove("BulletTable", i)
  826. end
  827. if Hit and Hit.Parent then
  828. local Human = Hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  829. local Head = Hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head")
  830. local Torso = Hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  831. if v.Parent ~= char.Torso then
  832. v:Remove()
  833. table.remove(BulletTable, i)
  834. end
  835. if Hit.Parent:IsA("Hat") then
  836. local Human = Hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  837. local Head = Hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Head")
  838. local Torso = Hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  839. if Human and Head and Torso then
  840. Damage = math.random(10,25)
  841. Human:TakeDamage(Damage)
  842. if Human.Health < 1 then
  843. Obj = Instance.new("ObjectValue",Human)
  844. Obj.Name = "creator"
  845. Obj.Value = plr
  846. end
  847. DisplayDamage(Damage,Head)
  848. RemoveBullet()
  849. end
  850. elseif Human and Head and Torso then
  851. if Hit == Head then
  852. Damage = math.random(999999999,999999999)
  853. else
  854. Damage = math.random(999999999,999999999)
  855. end
  856. Human:TakeDamage(Damage)
  857. if Human.Health < 1 then
  858. Obj = Instance.new("ObjectValue",Human)
  859. Obj.Name = "creator"
  860. Obj.Value = plr
  861. end
  862. DisplayDamage(Damage,Head)
  863. RemoveBullet()
  864. elseif Hit then
  865. RemoveBullet()
  866. end
  867. end
  868. end
  869. end)
  870. end
  871. end)
  872. end)

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