Free Bitcoin - New Faucets List - May 2016


DATE: May 24, 2016, 12:53 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 898 Bytes

HITS: 1094

  1. 24 May 2016 - Free Bitcoin Faucets List
  2. Get up to 20 000 Satoshi in hour
  3. DailyBTCdog 4,332 satoshi per hour on AVERAGE, FreeBitcoin 0.47 BTC + lottery 3 BTC
  4. Get 100 – 10,000 Satoshis every 5 minutes, GetBTC 50-3000 Satoshi
  5. MatoBit 100-20 000 Satoshi, 1000 satoshi every 1000 minutes
  6. 1081 - 2081 Satoshi 720 Minutes!, 1216 Satoshis every 720 minutes!
  7. 2000 satoshi every 1440 minutes! 4btc - Advertisement 600-1000 Satoshi
  8. BTCclick - ADVERTISEMENT, BTCzebra 10-3000 Satoshi
  9. BitAliens 200-12 600 Satoshi in 5 minutes, BitLucky 8-8888 Satoshi
  10. BitVisit 200-1800 Satoshi, BitcoinGame - 0.292 BTC
  11. ClaimBitcoin 100-10 000 Satoshi, CoinWin 500 Satoshi to 0.5 BTC
  12. MoneyBTC 100-5000 Satoshi, MoonBTC 2000 Satoshi
  13. Satoshiinstant 500-50 000 Satoshi, SmashBTC 200-1000 Satoshi
  14. YouTube 200-1000 Satoshi for one Video
  15. And more Bitcoin Faucets view here:

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