High balance win script.


DATE: Nov. 25, 2020, 2:20 p.m.

UPDATED: Feb. 12, 2021, 4:13 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 4.5 kB

HITS: 748

  1. Tips or donations can be made at 18e1561MhqrJwmb4tXuCU3V9cGtb3yJCSx For further tips or hacks or tutorials on winning big money
  2. Contact Telegram @Passionateforcoin
  3. No charge, I accept only donations.
  4. Add the following referral link in order to reap full benefits from the script.
  5. Donations for more hints tips and hacks BTC 18e1561MhqrJwmb4tXuCU3V9cGtb3yJCSx
  6. The best tactical JS to play Multiply odd 1.5 win chance 63% (NOT FOR LOW BALANCE)
  7. // @description Play with a higher chance, READ FIRST
  8. // @copyright 2020,
  10. bconfig = {
  11. minWait: 3000,
  12. maxWait : 5000,
  13. odd : 1.5,
  14. bet : 0.00000002
  15. };
  16. //***********************************
  17. var add =;
  18. var x = add;
  19. var choice;
  20. var body = $('body');
  21. var maxWait = bconfig.maxWait;
  22. var minWait = bconfig.minWait;
  23. var c = 1;
  24. var roll;
  25. var hi = "hi";
  26. var lo = "lo";
  27. var sum = 0.00000000;
  28. var stopprofit = 1.00000000;
  29. var stoploss = -1.00000000;
  30. var y = 1;
  31. var state = 1 ;
  32. //*********************************
  33. var choiceroll = prompt("Please enter number of rolls", "10");
  34. roll = parseInt(choiceroll, 10);
  35. var rp = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on PROFIT");
  36. if (rp == true) {
  37. var choiceprofit= prompt("Please enter a value in Satoshi", "100");
  38. stopprofit = parseInt(choiceprofit, 10);
  39. }
  40. var rl = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on LOSS");
  41. if (rl == true) {
  42. var choiceloss= prompt("Please enter a negative value in Satoshi", "-50");
  43. stoploss = parseInt(choiceloss, 10);
  44. }
  45. function getRandomWait() {
  46. var wait;
  47. do {
  48. wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait) + 100;
  49. }
  50. while (wait < minWait);
  51. console.log(wait);
  52. return wait;
  53. }
  54. var init_balance = $('#balance').html();
  55. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_payout_multiplier").value = "1.5";
  56. rollDice = function(choice) {
  57. var balance = $('#balance').html();
  58. if (x < 0.00000001) {
  59. x = add;
  60. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  61. }
  62. var lenLose = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html().length;
  63. //console.log(lenLose);
  64. var lenWin = $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html().length;
  65. //console.log(lenWin);
  66. if (lenLose > 36 && lenWin == 0 && state == 1) {
  67. lenWin = 0;
  68. lenLose = 0;
  69. //x = x + add;
  70. y = y * 3;
  71. x = add * y;
  72. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  73. $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
  74. }else if (lenWin > 36 && lenLose == 0 && state == 1){
  75. lenWin = 0;
  76. lenLose = 0;
  77. if (x >= add * bconfig.odd * 2 ) {
  78. y = 1;
  79. x = add * y;
  80. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  81. }
  82. $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
  83. }
  84. c++;
  85. console.log("Roll number :"+c);
  86. sum = parseFloat(balance) - parseFloat(init_balance) ;
  87. if (((sum * 100000000) > stopprofit) || ((sum * 100000000) < stoploss)){
  88. console.log("Script stopped");
  89. state = 0;
  90. alert("Script stopped, " + " Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());
  91. location.reload();
  92. }
  93. }
  94. /*if (choice == null || choice == "") {
  95. choice = "hi";
  96. } else {
  97. }*/
  98. body.prepend(
  99. $('
  100. ').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-index:999;width:400px;background-color:#227d5c;color: white; text-align: center;")
  101. .append(
  102. $('
  103. ').attr('id','autofaucet')
  104. .append($('
  105. text-align: center').text("Donate:"))
  106. .append($('
  107. text-align: center').text("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc"))
  108. .append($('
  109. text-align: center').text("Click to copy"))
  110. .append($('
  111. ')
  112. )
  113. ).click(function(){
  114. var $temp = $('input').val("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc");
  115. body.append($temp);
  116. $;
  117. document.execCommand("copy");
  118. $temp.remove();
  119. })
  120. ).prepend($('style/')
  121. .text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; text-align: center; }")
  122. )
  123. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  124. $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + hi + '_button').click();
  125. function main(n) {
  126. function timer(){ // create a unique function (scope) each time
  127. var k = i; // save i to the variable k
  128. setTimeout(()=>{
  129. if (state == 0){
  130. return;
  131. }else{
  132. if (k % 2 == 0){
  133. //console.log ("rolling high ..");
  134. rollDice("hi");
  135. }else{
  136. //console.log ("rolling low ..");
  137. rollDice("lo");
  138. }
  139. console.log ("Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());
  140. }
  141. },i*getRandomWait());
  142. }
  143. timer();
  144. }
  145. for(var i = 1; i < roll; i++) {
  146. main(i);
  147. }

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