righteousness, peace, and joy in

SUBMITTED BY: general007

DATE: Aug. 18, 2017, 5:36 p.m.

UPDATED: Aug. 18, 2017, 6:26 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.4 kB

HITS: 12254

  1. er of that death,
  2. 14
  3. and will remain under it forever, unless raised by the power of
  4. God. Hence we hear Christ say "I am the resurrection and the life;
  5. be that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live, and
  6. he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die. I am the way and
  7. the truth and the life. Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man
  8. and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." He therefore who
  9. would have spiritual life is to look to Christ for it. He is to seek,
  10. through faith in Christ, that baptism of the Holy Ghost which will
  11. cleanse him from sin; or in other words, raise him up from his
  12. spiritual death, and make him alive to the love and enjoyment of
  13. God. That same God who first breathed into man the breath of
  14. spiritual life, so that he became a living soul-must again by the
  15. power of that same Spirit breathe spiritual life anew, or the sinner
  16. will remain dead in sin forever. All his contemplations of the love of
  17. God, without this Baptism of the Holy Ghost, this resurrection
  18. from spiritual death by the power of Christ, will avail nothing. Men
  19. will by such contemplations, become no better than whited
  20. sepulchres. If the outside is beautiful, the uncleanness will all
  21. remain within. "If ye believe not that I am he," said Christ "ye shall
  22. die in your sins." "And whither I go ye cannot come." If ye believe
  23. not that I am who? Why the Savior whom God promised to send
  24. into the world; and whose "name was called Jesus, because he
  25. should save his people from their sins."
  26. The question then, for you to settle, my hearers, is this. Have
  27. you been baptised by the Holy Ghost? Have you been raised up by
  28. the power of Christ's spiritual resurrection from the death of sin
  29. and made alive unto God, and had that kingdom of God
  30. established within you which "is righteousness, peace, and joy in
  31. the Holy Ghost." If not you are dead in sin, and your expectation
  32. of going where Christ is, in your present state, will avail you
  33. nothing. To the Jews, Christ said, ye will not come unto me that ye
  34. may have life. Coming to the doctrine of Universal Salvation then,
  35. will not cleanse men from sin, and give them spiritual life. They
  36. must come to Christ for it by faith, and receive it by the power of
  37. the Holy Ghost, for "the kingdom of God is not in word but in
  38. power." I beseech you therefore my hearers to abandon all
  39. 15
  40. hope of salvation from sin from the doctrine of Un

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