He waited before God and prayed to know His will

SUBMITTED BY: mariaauxiliadora

DATE: Sept. 24, 2017, 1:18 p.m.

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  1. n He might have brought upon them immediate death. He tells
  2. Cain that God loves them, or He would not have given His Son, innocent
  3. and holy, to suffer the wrath which man, by his disobedience, deserves to
  4. suffer.
  5. The Beginnings of Death
  6. While Abel justifies the plan of God, Cain becomes enraged, and his
  7. anger increases and burns against Abel until in his rage he slays him. God
  8. inquires of Cain for his brother, and Cain utters a guilty falsehood: “I
  9. know not: am I my brother’s keeper?” God informs Cain that He knew
  10. in regard to his sin—that He was acquainted with his every act, and even
  11. the thoughts of his heart, and says to him, “Thy brother’s blood crieth
  12. unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which
  13. hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; when
  14. thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength;
  15. a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.”
  16. The curse upon the ground at first had been felt but lightly; but
  17. now a double curse rested upon it. Cain and Abel represent the two
  18. classes, the righteous and the wicked, the believers and unbelievers, which
  19. should exist from the fall of man to the second coming of Christ. Cain’s
  20. slaying his brother Abel represents the wicked who will be envious of
  21. the righteous and will hate them because they are better than themselves.
  22. They will be jealous of the righteous and will persecute and put them to
  23. death because their right-doing condemns their sinful course.
  24. 54
  25. Adam’s life was one of sorrow, humility, and continual repentance.
  26. As he taught his children and grandchildren the fear of the Lord, he was
  27. often bitterly reproached for his sin which resulted in so much misery
  28. upon his posterity. When he left the beautiful Eden, the thought that he
  29. must die thrilled him with horror. He looked upon death as a dreadful
  30. calamity. He was first made acquainted with the dreadful reality of death
  31. in the human family by his own son Cain slaying his brother Abel. Filled
  32. with the bitterest remorse for his own transgression, and deprived of
  33. his son Abel, and looking upon Cain as his murderer, and knowing the
  34. curse God pronounced upon him, bowed down Adam’s heart with grief.
  35. Most bitterly did he reproach himself for his first great transgression. He
  36. entreated pardon from God through the promised Sacrifice. Deeply had he
  37. felt the wrath of God for his crime committed in Paradise. He witnessed
  38. the general corruption which afterward finally provoked God to destroy
  39. the inhabitants of the earth by a flood. The sentence of death pronounced
  40. upon him by his Maker, which at first appeared so terrible to him, after
  41. he had lived some hundreds of years, looked just and merciful in God, to
  42. bring to an end a miserable life.
  43. As Adam witnessed the first signs of decaying nature in the falling
  44. leaf and in the drooping flowers, he mourned more deeply than men now
  45. mourn over their dead. The drooping flowers were not so deep a cause of
  46. grief, because more tender and delicate; but the tall, noble, sturdy trees to
  47. cast off their leaves, to decay, presented before him the general dissolution
  48. of beautiful nature, which God had created for the special benefit of man.
  49. To his children and to their children, to the ninth
  50. 55
  51. generation, he delineated the perfections of his Eden home, and also his
  52. fall and its dreadful results, and the load of grief brought upon him on
  53. account of the rupture in his family which ended in the death of Abel. He
  54. related to them the sufferings God had brought him through to teach him
  55. the necessity of strictly adhering to His law. He declared to them that sin
  56. would be punished in whatever form it existed. He entreated them to obey
  57. God, who would deal mercifully with them if they should love and fear
  58. Him.
  59. Angels held communication with Adam after his fall, and informed
  60. him of the plan of salvation, and that the human race was not beyond
  61. redemption. Although fearful separation had taken place between God
  62. and man, yet provision had been made through the offering of His beloved
  63. Son by which man might be saved. But their only hope was through a life
  64. of humble repentance and faith in the provision made. All those who
  65. could thus accept Christ as their only Saviour, should be again brought
  66. into favor with God through the merits of His Son.
  67. 56
  68. 7: Seth and Enoch
  69. This chapter is based on Genesis 4:25;. 26;. 5:3-8;. 18-24;. Jude
  70. 14-15.
  71. Seth was a worthy character, and was to take the place of Abel in right
  72. doing. Yet he was a son of Adam, like sinful Cain, and inherited from the
  73. nature of Adam no more natural goodness than did Cain. He was born in
  74. sin, but by the grace of God, in receiving the faithful instructions of his
  75. father Adam, he honored God in doing His will. He separated himself
  76. from the corrupt descendants of Cain and labored, as Abel would have
  77. done had he lived, to turn the minds of sinful men to revere and obey
  78. God.
  79. Enoch was a holy man. He served God with singleness of heart. He
  80. realized the corruptions of the human family and separated himself from
  81. the descendants of Cain and reproved them for their great wickedness.
  82. There were those upon the earth who acknowledged God, who feared
  83. and worshiped Him. Yet righteous Enoch was so distressed with the
  84. increasing wickedness of the ungodly, that he would not daily associate
  85. with them, fearing that he should be affected by their infidelity and that
  86. his thoughts might not ever regard God with that holy reverence which
  87. was due His exalted character. His soul was vexed as he daily witnessed
  88. their trampling upon the authority of God. He chose to be separate from
  89. them, and spent much of his time in solitude, which he devoted to
  90. 57
  91. reflection and prayer. He waited before God and prayed to know His will
  92. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  93. more perfectly, that he might perform it. God communed with Enoch
  94. through His angels and gave him divine instruction. He made known to
  95. him that He would not always bear with man in his rebellion—that His
  96. purpose was to destroy the sinful race by bringing a flood of waters upon
  97. the earth.
  98. The pure and lovely Gard

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