Silent Bitcoin/Litecoin/Monero CPU Miner


DATE: Jan. 28, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 708 Bytes

HITS: 1190

  1. This is a simple application I developed to allow you to easily create a silent CPU bitcoin miner, With this you enter in your mining pool details then build and send to target mining system.
  2. This was not created or intended to be used on systems or machines you do not own or have rights to access.
  3. The target build stub when ran will start mining off the CPU in background and add itself to startup.
  4. Supports the following algorithms for mining litecoin/bitcoin
  5. scrypt SHA-256d
  6. It also supports Monero XMR CPU Mining added as of version 1.1
  7. You can also select to run on multiple CPU threads rather than just a single thread.
  8. Download Version 1.2:

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