India's first Secretary in Permanent Mission to UN who called Pakistan terroristan


DATE: Sept. 23, 2017, 7:06 p.m.

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  1. According to Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, India supports terrorism.
  2. He seemed to have completely disregarded the fact that Pakistan itself has been a terror sanctuary for three decades.
  3. India gave a befitting reply at the UN General Assembly session describing the neighbouring nation as 'terroristan'.
  4. India said that its scathing rebuttal to Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi's maiden speech at the 72nd UNGA session where he had called for a special envoy for 'Kashmir' while alleging that the "struggle of the people in the region is being brutally suppressed by India".
  5. India's response was delivered by First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India to the UN, Eenam Gambhir.
  6. Eenam spoke of the safe havens and protection that Pakistan provided to terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar.
  7. "In its short history, Pakistan has become a geography synonymous with terror. The quest for a land of pure has actually produced 'the land of pure terror'. Pakistan is now Terroristan."
  8. "Its current state can be gauged from the fact that Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, a leader of the United nations designated terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba, is now sought to be legitimised as a leader of a political party," Eenam said.
  10. Eenam Gambhir, the diplomat who rebutted Abbasi is India's First Secretary of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations.
  11. Eenam is a 2005-batch Indian Foreign Service officer.
  12. She hails from Delhi and is a mathematics graduate from Delhi University's Hindu College. Various reports suggest that Eenam also has a degree from the University of Geneva in her bag.
  13. According to a report, Eenam's first posting was in Madrid in Spain.
  14. There, as the third secretary, she learnt Spanish which was her compulsory foreign language.
  15. Her second secretary stint was in India's Embassy in Argentina which was one of the two biggest missions in South America. The other one was Brazil and then she returned to India.
  16. Another media reports says that Eenam Gambhir was then assigned to the Pakistan-Afghanistan-Iran desk in the Ministry of External Affairs.
  17. At the United Nations, Eenam is in charge Security Council reform, counter-terrorism, cyber security issues.
  18. She also coordinates with all Special Missions including those approved by the (United Nations Security Council) UNSC and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
  20. If you remember, last year, something similar happened. Eenam Gambhir delivered India's response at the United Nations General Assembly to former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after he called Hizbul commander Burhan Wani a 'martyr'.
  21. In 2016, Eenam's statement started off by describing Nawaz Sharif's speech as a "long tirade" about the situation in Kashmir and called Pakistan a "terrorist state".
  22. Last year, she called Pakistan a host to the Ivy League of terrorism.
  23. "The land of Taxila, one of the greatest learning centres of ancient times, is now host to the Ivy League of terrorism. It attracts aspirants and apprentices from all over the world. The effect of its toxic curriculum are felt across the globe. It is ironical therefore that we have seen today the preaching of human rights and ostensible support for self-determination by a country which has established itself as the global epicentre of terrorism," Eenam Gambhir had said while elucidating India's response to Sharif's speech last year on September 22.

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