enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”

SUBMITTED BY: paivashop

DATE: Sept. 21, 2017, 1:31 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.8 kB

HITS: 12989

  1. ngel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to
  2. heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things
  3. that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things
  4. which are therein, that there should be time no longer” (Revelation 10:5, 6). This message
  5. announces the end of the prophetic periods. The disappointment of those who expected
  6. to see our Lord in 1844 was indeed bitter to those who had so ardently looked for His
  7. appearing. It was in the Lord’s order that this disappointment should come, and that hearts
  8. should be revealed.
  9. Not one cloud has fallen upon the church that God has not prepared for; not one
  10. opposing force has risen to counterwork the work of God but He has foreseen.... All His
  11. purposes will be fulfilled and established. His law is linked with His throne, and satanic
  12. agencies combined with human agencies cannot destroy it. Truth is inspired and guarded
  13. by God; it will live, and will succeed, although it may appear at times to be overshadowed.
  14. The gospel of Christ is the law exemplified in character. The deceptions practiced
  15. against it, every device for vindicating falsehood, every error forged by satanic agencies,
  16. will eventually be eternally broken, and the triumph of truth will be like the appearing of
  17. the sun at noonday. The Sun of Righteousness shall shine forth with healing in His wings,
  18. and the whole earth shall be filled with His glory....
  19. Old controversies will be revived, and new theories will be continually arising. But
  20. God’s people, who in their belief and fulfillment of prophecy have acted a part in the
  21. proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages, know where they stand.
  22. They have an experience that is more precious than fine gold. They are to stand firm as a
  23. rock, holding the beginning of their confidence steadfast unto the end.—Selected Messages
  24. 2:108, 109.
  25. 71
  26. Work Faithfully, Using Time Wisely
  27. I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming
  28. when no one can work. John 9:4, NKJV.
  29. Christ has given to all human beings their work, and we are to acknowledge the wisdom
  30. of the plan He has made for us by a hearty cooperation with Him. It is in a life of service
  31. only that true happiness is found. Those who live useless, selfish lives are miserable. They
  32. are dissatisfied with themselves and with everyone else.
  33. True, unselfish, consecrated workers gladly use their highest gifts in the lowliest
  34. service. They realize that true service means to see and to perform the duties that God
  35. points out.
  36. There are many who are not satisfied with the work that God has given them. They are
  37. not satisfied to serve Him pleasantly in the place that He has marked out for them, or to do
  38. uncomplainingly the work that He has placed in their hands.
  39. It is right for us to be dissatisfied with the way in which we perform duty, but we are not
  40. to be dissatisfied with the duty itself [simply] because we would rather do something else.
  41. In His providence God places before human beings service that will be as medicine to their
  42. diseased minds. Thus He seeks to lead them to put aside the selfish preferences which, if
  43. cherished, would disqualify them for the work He has for them. If they accept and perform
  44. this service, their minds will be cured. But if they refuse it, they will be left at strife with
  45. themselves and with others.
  46. The Lord disciplines His workers, so that they will be prepared to fill the places
  47. appointed them. He desires to mold their minds in accordance with His will. For this
  48. purpose He brings to them test and trial. Some He places where relaxed discipline and
  49. overindulgence will not become their snare, where they are taught to appreciate the value
  50. of time, and to make the best and wisest use of it.—Manuscript Releases 8:422, 423.
  51. 72
  52. Submit to God’s Training Process
  53. Beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness ...; but grow in the grace and
  54. knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:17, 18, NKJV.
  55. There are some who desire to be a ruling power, and who need the sanctification of
  56. submission. God brings about a change in their lives, and perhaps places before them
  57. duties that they would not choose. If they are willing to be guided by Him, He will give
  58. them grace and strength to perform the objectionable duties in a spirit of submission and
  59. helpfulness. They are being qualified to fill places where their disciplined abilities will
  60. make them of the greatest service.
  61. God trains some by bringing to them disappointment and apparent failure. It is His
  62. purpose that they shall learn to master difficulty. He inspires them with a determination to
  63. make every apparent failure prove a success.
  64. Often men and women pray and weep because of the perplexities and obstacles that
  65. confront them. But if they will hold the beginning of their confidence steadfast unto the
  66. end, He will make their way clear. Success will come to them as they struggle against
  67. apparently insurmountable difficulties; and with success will come the greatest joy.
  68. Many are ignorant of how to work for God, not because they need to be ignorant, but
  69. because they are not willing to submit to His training process. Moab is spoken of as a
  70. failure because, the Word declares, he “hath been at ease from his youth, ... and hath not
  71. been emptied from vessel to vessel, ... therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is
  72. not changed” (Jeremiah 48:11)....
  73. The Christian is to be prepared for the doing of a work that reveals kindness,
  74. forbearance, longsuffering, gentleness, patience. The cultivation of these precious gifts
  75. is to come into the discipline-life of Christians, that when called to service by the Master,
  76. they may be ready to exercise the energies of heart and mind in helping and blessing those
  77. who are ready to die [those who need salvation].—Manuscript Releases 8:423, 424.
  78. 73
  79. Improving Opportunities for Service
  80. Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is
  81. even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14, NKJV.
  82. There is no religion in the enthronement of self. God asks us to be true to Him, to trade
  83. upon the talents He has given us, that we may gain others. His will must be made our will
  84. in all things. Any departure from this standard degrades our moral nature. It may result in
  85. lifting us up, in enriching us, and in seating us beside princes; but in the eyes of God we
  86. are unclean and unholy. We have sold our birthright for selfish interest and gain, and in the
  87. books of heaven it is written of us, Weighed in the balances of the sanctuary, and found
  88. wanting.
  89. But if we regard our talents as the Lord’s gifts, and use them in His service by showing
  90. compassion and love toward our fellow beings, we are channels through which God’s
  91. blessings flow to the world; and at the last great day we shall be greeted with the words
  92. “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make
  93. thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
  94. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  95. Time, laden with precious, golden opportunities for serving the Lord, is fast passing
  96. into eternity.... Are you improving these opportunities as they pass? You cannot afford to
  97. slight them; for you must stand before the judgment seat of God, to answer for the deeds
  98. done in the body. Do your words cheer and encourage those who come to you for help
  99. and comfort? Does your influence strengthen those with whom you associate? Are your
  100. possessions faithfully given to the Lord?
  101. Consecrate yourself today to the Lord’s service.... Cast your care up

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