US aircraft carrier 'hammock' draw slogan on the sea


DATE: Dec. 11, 2017, 6:12 a.m.

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  1. The Pentagon recently posted video of the USS Abraham Lincoln carrying the slogan "Beat Army" at sea to commemorate US naval forces, the military said on Dec. 5.
  2. According to the US navy, to draw this slogan, the Lincoln had to make a series of turns when running at high speeds to form wavy watermarks that shaped the letters. The filming took a month at Norfolk, Virginia.
  3. In mid-June, the US military also announced a video of the Lincoln train demonstrating a turning phase while running at high speed over the Atlantic Ocean to demonstrate its flexible maneuverability.
  4. USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) is a modern American naval aircraft carrier. The ship is 335m long, with a tonnage of 100,000 tons, can carry up to 6,000 crews and 70 fighters of all kinds.
  5. Thanks to two nuclear reactors, the Lincoln can travel at speeds up to 56 km / h.
  6. According to military experts, as a high-value military target, American carriers have the ability to divert or spin at fast speeds to avoid collisions or to avoid torpedoes. The enemy attacked unexpectedly.
  7. Nguyen Hoang
  8. See more at:

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