I’m unbelievable inside the pitch

SUBMITTED BY: ponnynoob

DATE: Aug. 20, 2021, 9:40 a.m.

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  1. DAN ROAN: Is it sad for you to see Manchester United not quite at the level they were before?
  2. CRISTIANO RONALDO: For me it’s hard to see that because it’s a club that I love. Of course I want to see Manchester United at the level that it was in the past. Like, for example, Sporting Lisbon was my first professional club. I like to see the clubs that I like at the top and I think Manchester this season is better, but I think they still have work to do to be at the level of six, seven years ago.
  3. DAN ROAN: What possibility is there of you going back to Manchester United one day?
  4. CRISTIANO RONALDO: As I say many, many times, the future nobody knows. At this moment I’m so glad and happy here in Real Madrid but the future nobody knows. I will say this answer all the time because the future nobody knows, but I’m good here. I still have a contract with Real Madrid and I’m happy here.
  5. DAN ROAN: You’ve made a film [Ronaldo, released on Monday] telling your life story. What’s it like being a footballing superstar?
  6. CRISTIANO RONALDO: It’s great. This has given me motivation to still work hard and better in my job but I have to say to be in my shoes is not easy. But I’m not complaining. I just want to say that. I feel happy. All this happens because of a reason. The reason is I’m unbelievable inside the pitch. This is why the people have so much interest on me. So it’s as simple as that. I’m good, I’m happy, I’m motivated all the time. I’m very professional and I want to carry on like that.
  7. DAN ROAN: You played under Jose Mourinho for three seasons here at Real Madrid. He’s going through a tough spell now. Are you surprised by that?
  8. CRISTIANO RONALDO: I’m not surprised because in football anything can happen. Of course, he’s a manager that I was working with for two years and I know his potential. I know that not just him but Chelsea are in this tough situation. As a Portuguese man, I want to see the Portuguese at the top level all the time. So this is what I wish for him that he can go through this bad situation and make Chelsea fans happy because they deserve it.

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