which God has bestowed upon his peo

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 24, 2017, 12:43 a.m.

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HITS: 12104

  1. hall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,” Mark 16:17,
  2. 18. On the day of pentecost, when the Christian dispensation was
  3. fully opened, some of these gifts were manifested in a wonderful
  4. manner. Acts 2:1-11. Luke, in giving account of his travels with
  5. Paul and others, when a quarter of a century of the Christian
  6. age had already passed, after speaking of entering into the house
  7. of Philip, the evangelist, says: “And the same man had four
  8. daughters, virgins, which did prophesy. And as we tarried there
  9. many days, there came down from Judea a certain prophet, named
  10. Agabus.” Acts 21:9, 10. Again, still later, we see the beloved
  11. John, in the Isle of Patmos, imbued with the spirit of prophecy
  12. in all its fullness. The wonderful Revelation was given unto him
  13. when more than half a century of the Christian age had passed.
  14. And here the New-Testament record leaves us without a single
  15. intimation that the gifts of the Spirit should cease from the church
  16. till the day of glory should be ushered in by the second appearing
  17. of Jesus Christ.
  18. Since the great apostasy, these gifts have rarely been
  19. manifested; and for this reason, professed Christians generally
  20. suppose that they were designed to be limited to the period
  21. of the primitive church. But from the time of the primitive
  22. Christians to the present there have been manifestations among
  23. the most devoted followers of Jesus, which have been recognized
  24. by nearly all of the leading denominations as the gifts of the Holy
  25. Spirit. Then should not the errors and the unbelief of the church
  26. be assigned as reasons why these manifestations have been so
  27. seldom, rather than that God has taken these blessings from the
  28. church? When the people of God attain to primitive faith and
  29. practice, as they most certainly will under the last message, the
  30. latter rain will be poured out, and all the gifts will be revived. The
  31. former rain was given at the commencement of the Christian
  32. 9
  33. age, in the time of the sowing of the gospel seed, to cause it to
  34. germinate and take good root. Then the church enjoyed the gifts.
  35. And when the latter rain shall be poured out at the close of the
  36. dispensation, to ripen the golden harvest for the garner of God,
  37. then will the gifts of the Holy Spirit be manifested in all their
  38. fullness.
  39. To this agree the words of the prophet, as quoted by Peter:
  40. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will
  41. pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your
  42. daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,
  43. and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants, and
  44. on my handmaidens, I will pour out in those days of my spirit,
  45. and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in heaven
  46. above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor
  47. of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon
  48. into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.”
  49. Acts 2:17-20. The spirit of prophecy is here seen among the
  50. especial signs of the last days. Its revival in the last days was
  51. to constitute one of the most noted signs of the approaching end.
  52. This is evident from its being classed with the most prominent
  53. signs, in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and such wonders,
  54. in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath, as blood, and fire,
  55. and vapor of smoke.
  56. Of all the blessings which God has bestowed upon his peo
  57. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  58. ple,
  59. the gift of His Son excepted, none have been so sacred, and so
  60. important to their welfare, as the gift of his holy law, and his
  61. Holy Spirit. And none have been so well calculated to thwart the
  62. plans of Satan, and, consequently, to stir his rage, as these. And
  63. when that people should arise in the last generation of men, who
  64. should be observing all ten of the precepts of God’s holy law,
  65. and should recognize the revival of the spirit of prophecy, they
  66. might expect to feel that bitterness from their op

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