
SUBMITTED BY: shakeelowais

DATE: March 16, 2016, 5:25 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.7 kB

HITS: 530

  1. How to Live as Well as a Billionaire
  2. When you think about the rich — the really rich — you may find yourself
  3. marveling at their… well, their money.
  4. Take Bill Gates. If you think $10 million is a fortune, consider this: He has 5,000
  5. of them. If he put his money in $1,000 bills, he'd have 50 million of them!
  6. But how much better does he live? Sure, he's got a huge house. And a yacht.
  7. He's probably got a jet too. But who needs that crap? Really!
  8. If you make at least $100,000 a year ($150,000 if you are raising a family), you
  9. can live as well as Bill Gates does — and I'll prove it to you. If you aren't yet
  10. making that much, you'll have to put aside this essay until you are. (If you're
  11. following ETR, it shouldn't take very long.)
  12. Let's start by identifying some of life's basic experiences:
  13. § sleeping
  14. § working
  15. § dressing
  16. § eating/drinking
  17. § leisure
  18. Now the purpose of becoming rich — you would think — would be to make each
  19. of these experiences as rewarding as possible.
  20. Take sleeping. What does a billionaire want out of his sleep time? I'd say the
  21. same thing you do: blissful, uninterrupted unconsciousness. And what will give
  22. you that (besides peace of mind, which you can't buy)?
  23. Answer: a great mattress.
  24. And how much does a great mattress cost? Maybe $1,500. That means you can
  25. buy yourself a billion-dollar sleep for no more than $1,500. If you are making
  26. $100,000 a year, you can afford it.
  27. So get rid of that lumpy thing you are sleeping on and get yourself the best
  28. mattress you can find. Then go to sleep every night content that Bill Gates can
  29. have it no better.
  30. Buying Yourself the Best
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