10 Deeds

SUBMITTED BY: rpgfilms

DATE: Aug. 16, 2015, 12:14 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 737 Bytes

HITS: 18105

  1. =begin
  2. This will withdraw 45k from landing bank, run to the caravansary and buy 10 dwarf rubies, then get you 10 deeds
  3. =end
  4. start_script 'go2', [ '400', '_disable_confirm_' ]
  5. wait_while { running?('go2') }
  6. fput "withdraw 45000"
  7. start_script 'go2', [ '9269', '_disable_confirm_' ]
  8. wait_while { running?('go2') }
  9. 10.times{multifput("order 14","buy","stow ruby")}
  10. start_script 'go2', [ '4044', '_disable_confirm_' ]
  11. wait_while { running?('go2') }
  12. 10.times{multifput("go tapestry","ring chime with mallet","ring chime with mallet","kneel","get my ruby","drop my ruby","ring chime with mallet","out")}
  13. start_script 'go2', [ '228', '_disable_confirm_' ]
  14. wait_while { running?('go2') }
  15. echo "You should have 10 more deeds now"

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