

DATE: Aug. 19, 2016, 8:33 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.4 kB

HITS: 562

  1. Username: Enderphile1
  2. Real Name: ?
  3. Age: 40-41
  4. DOB: 1975?
  5. Location: ?
  6. Time Zone: ?
  7. Twitter Client: Twitter for iPhone
  8. Religion: Catholic
  9. Languages: English, Spanish, French
  10. E-Mail Address: enderphile@hushmail.com
  11. IP Address:
  12. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010602997380
  13. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/enderphile1
  14. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/enderphile1/
  15. Tumblr: http://enderphile.tumblr.com
  16. -This guy is a "boylover" pedophile and a hardcore pedophile activist. He spends hours constantly arguing with people about how he fantasizes about having sexual interactions with prepubescent children, yet he says "he'll never do it", as he's a "non-offending, anti-contact pedophile". Thing is, there have been plenty of "anti-contact pedophiles" throughout history who have gone off their leash and molested children before, meaning his word means precisely dick in the face of that.
  17. -He believes child pornography should be legalized. As in, real content featuring real children being sexually abused.
  18. -His AoA, or age of attraction, is between 8 and 12 years old.
  19. -He has been sexually attracted to children for more than 30 years.
  20. -This man has a wife and children. Someone ACTUALLY let this vile creature stick their pathetic dick into them, presumably knowing full well that he may very well give into his urges and sexually assault any children he produces. Someone ought to call Child Protective Services on his ass and get those kids into a foster home so they can grow up in a safer environment.
  21. -Has an obsession with the 2013 sci-fi film, Ender's Game, entirely because of the pubescent main character, the actor of whom was 16 at the time. It's highly unlikely he could give a shit less about the 1985 novel that inspired it.
  22. -Contrary to previous belief, this pedophile is NOT the same as fat boy Justin-Georges Stephen Coulombe of 20842 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC, Canada. Must have gotten mixed up a little bit by the fact that Coulombe is ALSO a creepily obsessed Ender's Game fanboy.
  23. -Again, this motherfucker's email address is enderphile@hushmail.com. Let Hushmail know about his activities on Twitter and various other social media sites.
  24. -Feel free to add to this shit if you find out more. This dox is still in its beginning stages. Feel free to post revisions to this shit if you find out more.

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